Is construction or remodeling lead generation frustrating you? Learn about a simple formula for better quality, more cost-effective leads.
How To Get More And Better Construction And Remodeling Leads
Andy T. heads up a construction business that does some commercial, but mostly residential construction—new custom homes and remodels (kitchens are his specialty).
Things were great about 5-8 years ago. He got tons of new construction leads and prospects.
His two biggest problem were:
1. Finding quality employees to help handle all the work
2. Explaining to prospective customers that he couldn’t get to their project for 60-90 days because of the backlog of clients.
Those days were awesome.
Unfortunately, with the economy, things are quite different. He has to scramble to get new construction leads that turn into new projects, most of which are of a much smaller scope.
The Frustrations Of Getting Good Construction Leads (That Turn Into Good Projects)
Not only does Andy spend a lot more of his time trying to generate construction and remodeling leads, he is frustrated with the ever changing ways of getting new construction leads.
It used to be that he would invest his marketing budget in just a few directions to get more remodeling and construction leads—
- Yellow pages
- Home magazines
- Postcards mailed out twice a year.
The New Normal Today
Nowadays, the previous “tried and true” approaches don’t work as well, or are getting too expensive for what you get in return.
Plus, there are tons of construction lead generation options—
- Angie’s List
- Google, Yahoo, and Bing
- Kudzu
- Reach Local, Yodel, Market Hardware
- Service Magic, Sales Genie,, Manta
- Mobile marketing services
- The list can go on…. and on…
Which to use?
The Results From Andy’s Lead Generation Efforts
What Andy has found when trying these new lead generation options frustrates him even further.
He worked with Reach Local for awhile, spending about $1,500 a month, but that didn’t work for him. The amount of new construction or renovation leads was minimal.
He paid a guy $2,500 to build him a new website that was supposed to get him more online construction leads. The results were slightly better but much lower than he was led to believe.
He even paid a guy $500/mo for search engine optimization, being told that his efforts would “drive massive amounts of traffic” to his website.
Still, the phone calls trickled in erratically.
He knew of other remodelers and construction contractors who were having success getting quality construction leads online.
He kept asking himself, “What am I doing wrong?”
How To Dramatically Improve Your Construction Lead Generation Efforts
Andy is not necessarily doing anything wrong. The problem is that his approach is incomplete.
His approach is like going to Home Depot and walking randomly through the aisles saying “I’ll take one of those… and two of those… and one of those…” The items don’t really work together.
Instead, he needs a lead generation approach, where all the pieces work together and enhance the total end result:
- More leads
- Better quality leads
- More profitable leads
- Cost-effective leads
- A predicable flow of leads
Following A Simple Formula
There is a simple formula you can follow to insure that your efforts work together to produce great results.
This is the same formula that we follow here at 2nd Mile Marketing to help our clients get a predictable flow of quality, profitable leads.
Click here for a simple, clear explanation of the lead generation formula that works.
What you should do next…
1. Read the informative lead generation formula article. Don’t worry, it is pure information—no sales pitch. It is even good enough to pass on.
2. Leave a comment or question if you have experienced frustration with your lead generation efforts.