In 2020, Pinterest is growing, steadily gaining millions of users each month. Due to the common mindset of Pinterest users, this platform poses an incredible opportunity for brands, entrepreneurs, and influencers to reach a qualified target audience.

While Instagram and Facebook are typically used for connection, events, and social updates, Pinterest is most often used by consumers looking for products and inspiration. These users tend to be on the hunt for something and ready to buy when the right thing strikes them.

Having a relevant and popular Pinterest account is becoming a must in digital marketing, business, and influencing. The necessity is real. You just need to figure out how to gain enough traffic to make this platform useful and relevant to your needs.

With that being said, experts weigh in with their top 3 secrets that will help you double your Pinterest traffic this year.

Focus on Search Engine Optimization

Social media strategist, Kylie Francis, encourages people to think of Pinterest essentially as a visual search engine in order to realize the importance of SEO.

Francis says, “By focusing on the search engine’s long tail keywords, your ideal clients are actively searching for you while you are inactive on the platform. Think of Pinterest as a user-friendly version of Google search engine.”

When you focus on search engine keywords, you end up getting Google and Pinterest traffic, thereby increasing the traffic you would otherwise have. Francis encourages users to use the guided search on Pinterest in order to locate your target market’s keywords.

She also explains, “if you have a social media platform, and have an article about pinterest– use the guided search to know what to name your pin. When you do that, this will enable your ideal clients to find your content since they are already searching for it. This works best if you upload your own content!”

PhotoMIX-Company / Pixabay

Add fresh content to Pinterest consistently

Guna Meldere, Pinterest strategist, talks about the importance of consistency. While most social media platforms use algorithms, Pinterest prioritizes fresh content. Anything new that you add to your website will be prioritized by Pinterest. The more fresh content and the more consistent, the higher you will be prioritized.

In order to constantly bring more traffic to your site, you need to be active on Pinterest. Repin, follow others, prioritize your content, post quality content. Have at least one blog post each week and add new products fairly often.

Meldere says, “keep your account moving, fresh, and relevant, and you will be prioritized by Pinterest and discovered by your target market. I used to have around 5000 views a month and about 100 people visiting my website. But when I started doing this, it spiked up to almost a million views a month and 4000 visitors to my website.”

Repin consistently

In order to use Pinterest properly, it’s imperative that you see it for what it is; a combination of social media and search engine. The creator of PinMeApp, Joanna Szewczyk, teaches people that if they want their content to be visible, they will need to be able to be found through the search engines.

Frequent visibility on search engines means consistently repinning your content. While focusing on creating new content as you would with other social media platforms, with Pinterest the goal is to bump your content up in the feed. That means consistent repinning.

You can join a Group Board in order to repin your content regularly and be viewed by thousands of users. This will ensure that your content is consistently visible, bringing in more traffic to your site. If possible, use third party applications to allow your content to be repinned through automation. This allows your visibility and traffic to increase without you having to tend to your pins and content regularly.

Szewczyk talks about the amazing benefits of repinning, “in the first month, I got twelve times the amount of traffic without having to consistently create new content. Now, Pinterest brings me 40,000 views, and 20 million impressions each month.”

Using Pinterest

Pinterest is growing rapidly and is a great platform for growing your audience. It is simple to use and once you get the hang of it, you may find that you are reaping the benefits without much work at all.

Listen to the experts and follow a few simple secrets that are sure to increase your visibility and bring in loads of traffic.