Shermikia Lemon is a researcher and expert in learning & development, an entrepreneur, and a speaker. Through her signature coaching and training company, Mediation Solutions Group, Shermikia helps organizations who struggle with retention due to workplace conflict. Her signature on-site training highly motivates employees to be more productive to increase bottom-line profit. She also works with clients on an individual basis to help them be more productive and reach their personal goals.
Shermikia has had the opportunity to speak in front of hundreds of leaders, CEOs, Business Managers and Executives to deliver her signature presentation. She has also been featured on many podcasts, has been seen in Forsyth Woman’s Magazine, Stars & Stripes (Europe), HRMAG, and is a regular trainer for the Women’s Resource Center. Shermikia is the host of the Peacefully Profitable Podcast which can be heard on iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Play, and more. This podcast is a weekly conversation on discovering your passion and turning it into profit, productively balancing life, and finding peace.