Many of the countries in the world, such as Greece and others are offering great Wi-Fi, many of which come completely free of cost. Thus, the internet is no more an expensive amenity as it used to be. With public Wi-Fi available at multiple places, all that people will require is an internet-friendly mobile device and they can go online right away.

But it’s not all rosy for the public Wi-Fi users anyway. There are quite a few issues that are often known to haunt them while using Wi-Fi free of cost. And most of these issues are primarily around the security of different websites. The implications of this can be dangerous at times. You might have your personal data hacked while going online through free public Wi-Fi. So, it is essential to remain aware of these things. And the very first thing you can do to be alert is know all the issues that users normally face when they are online with the help of a Wi-Fi connection. It will help you to stay safe on public Wi-Fi.

The problem with public Wi-Fi begins right at the point when you are trying to connect with the internet. You are usually given a username and a password, which are used for logging in to the account offering free Wi-Fi. Besides, there are also a few other issues that you might face while using public Wi-Fi.

Here’s a quick look at some of the problems faced by public Wi-Fi users.

How is the Security Breached?

You can find free public Wi-Fi at a number of places. It can be in coffee shops, hotels, bookstores, and many other places. But it’s always advisable to be aware of the security breaches that might occur when you log in to such an account. When you are accessing Wi-Fi, there is a server computer from where you can access the internet.

In many public Wi-Fi connections, a hacker usually positions himself between the server and your computer. This provides him with the capability to modify all types of communication between these two computers. You might also be entering a fake network that’s masqueraded by a hacker as a legitimate one. This will result in stealing of important data from your computer.

Offers Connection with Low Speed

There might be many a number of Wi-Fi hotspots across an area where you can access the internet free of cost. However, when you are connecting to that public Wi-Fi hotspot, several hundred others are trying to do that as well. So, it is likely that you will face speed issues. The internet connection is likely to be pretty slow, which won’t come to your help in any manner whatsoever.

Gets Disconnected Time and Again

Have you ever used a public Wi-Fi connection that has acted in the best possible manner you can think of? It’s hard to find one. What happens with most of the Wi-Fi connections? They keep on throwing you out of the connection. You continue getting disconnected and this has a negative effect on your productivity as well. So, it is not always the right decision to go online through a free public Wi-Fi connection while you are completing official tasks.

Consumes More Power

Did you know that the wireless Wi-Fi routers consume more power than their wired counterparts? This plays a major role when you are planning to access the internet through public Wi-Fi. All these routers are usually wireless. Hence, you will find your internet-friendly devices to consume more power than they normally do, especially when you are connecting to the internet offered by wired routers. So, the battery of your mobile device is exhausted faster than it usually does.

Disturbances While Surfing

While surfing on the paid connections, you can work at a stretch. Your work hardly gets affected and you don’t find yourself being disturbed by anything. However, if you are logging in to a free public Wi-Fi service, there is always an issue of advertisements. So, when you are busy working on some serious issue or for your office, you might find a certain advertisement pop up on your screen, thus denying immediate access.

Wi-Fi surely has been an amazing addition in the field of technology. And its use is also driven by the growing interest of people in accessing the internet. People love to access internet even while on the go and this is significantly driving the use of Wi-Fi across the globe.

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