Social Media Tips: 50 More Tweetable Social Media Tips for You and Your BusinessWelcome back to another edition of tweetable social media tips! If you haven’t read it, my first tweetable social media tips article is here: 50 Tweetable Social Media Tips for You and Your Business.

Sharing Social Media tips and tricks is my main goal for this blog, and so here are 50 more tweetable social media tips for you to use and share! Just click the “Click to Tweet” text at the end of the tip you like, and ta-da! Have fun tweeting! Oh, and you can find me tweeting these and other social media tips @R3SocialMedia 

Social Media Tips for Twitter

1. This first tip originated with my friend @Carol_Stephen: Create a “tweet library”. A document of pre-made and researched tweets. (And keep it up to date) <-Click to tweet this.
2. Look for active accounts to follow. Check out your own followers’ followers for engaging, active users to connect with.<-Click to tweet this.
3. Be sure to create a header image for your profile with the correct dimensions: 1252 x 626px is best. <-Click to tweet this.
4. Be sure to add your website to your twitter profile. Make it as easy as possible for people to find out more about you!<-Click to tweet this.
5. Instead of a logo, use a photo with your logo on it. People like to connect with faces, not logos.<-Click to tweet this.
6. Spend at least 5 minutes each day looking at your stream. Retweet items that are relevant to your audience.<-Click to tweet this.
7. Be sure your audience is on Twitter. In 2013, the fastest growing demographic was 55–64 year age group.<-Click to tweet this.
8. Tweets now are 5X as likely to get engagement when they include an image. [Link]<-Click to tweet this.
9. Make sure you include tweets as pic.twitter uploads, or they won’t show up in previews on the timeline.<-Click to tweet this.
10. Avoid shortening your words. It’s truly off-putting to many followers. Ths dsnt lk gd 2 U, does it?<-Click to tweet this.

Social Media Tips for LinkedIn

11. Update your own status 3 times a day with useful information.<-Click to tweet this.
12. Create an eye-catching title to create more interest and help SEO via @pamannmarketing <-Click to tweet this.
13. Search for and research groups to join. You don’t want to join a bunch of dead or self promotional groups. <-Click to tweet this.
14. Join groups that your target audience will be interested in, not what YOU’RE necessarily interested in. <-Click to tweet this.
15.Join groups and participate. Engage with others’ posts that you find value in. <-Click to tweet this.
16. Ask and answer questions to prove that you are knowledgeable and interacting. <-Click to tweet this.
17. Network in real life, and move those into a LinkedIn connection. <-Click to tweet this.
18. Include a genuine message with your connection requests. Erase the pre made statement. Be authentic. <-Click to tweet this.
19. Login EVERY DAY. <-Click to tweet this.
20. Above ALL else; be professional. Do not have a shirtless picture as an avatar or post about poop. H/T @DIYAdventurer <-Click to tweet this.

Social Media Tips for Pinterest

21. Pin Vine videos of short step by steps and link to your blog post with full instructions.<-Click to tweet this.
22. Create your own place pin map of a tour of your area ending at your place of business.<-Click to tweet this.
23. ALWAYS include a description on your pins.<-Click to tweet this.
24. ALWAYS make sure your pins and repins click through.<-Click to tweet this.
25. When you create a new board, be sure it has at least 5 pins in it so it looks full on your page.<-Click to tweet this.
26. Leave comments on pins that you enjoy or find relevant to your industry.<-Click to tweet this.
27. Verify your website.<-Click to tweet this.
28. Don’t upload a new pin. It can be misleading if you link to a page where that image doesnt exist.<-Click to tweet this.
29. Don’t pin 2,000 times at once. A friend called this “Machine gunning the feed”. People don’t generally like it.<-Click to tweet this.
30. If you can create and pin new content from your blog often, DO IT. Its better than a repin.<-Click to tweet this.

Social Media Tips for Google Plus

31. Search for people to add to your circles based on their interaction. If they don’t talk to anyone, why bother?<-Click to tweet this.
32. Do NOT share posts with your circles, unless you know they appreciate the notification AND email. (Read: they’ve asked to be notified. ) <-Click to tweet this.
33. Create a “blog notification” circle just for people that want the alert of a new post. <-Click to tweet this.
34. Use a strong call to action on your posts to encourage people to click through your links.<-Click to tweet this.
35. Use plus mentions when appropriate and applicable.<-Click to tweet this.
36. Via Wade Harmon, Google plussers love to “pin to read later”. Add a link to your pin!<-Click to tweet this.
37. Also via Wade Harmon, use a 600x900px image for your post!<-Click to tweet this.
38. Don’t be afraid to post whenever you want, just pay attention to when you get the most interaction to save for important posts. <-Click to tweet this.
39. There is lots of data through Google Analytics to view your metrics and measure success. Use it!<-Click to tweet this.
40. Like with all platforms, interact with people responding to you!<-Click to tweet this.

Social Media Tips for Instagram

41. Share “behind the scenes” photos. People love to feel “included”.<-Click to tweet this.
42. Take “silly staff” photos. Have some fun! <-Click to tweet this.
43. Add photos of little-known ways your product can help people.<-Click to tweet this.
44. Show pictures of your company volunteering or being philanthropic/giving or helping people.<-Click to tweet this.
45. Support your city. Take great pictures of the area surrounding you.<-Click to tweet this.
46. Use instagram videos for short how-tos or recipes.<-Click to tweet this.
47. Use videos for quick tips.<-Click to tweet this.
48. Use videos for recruiting.<-Click to tweet this.
49. Use videos for highlighting employees’ accomplishments.<-Click to tweet this.
50. Use videos to show DIY projects featuring your product.<-Click to tweet this.