This Sunday, Salman Khan’s 100 crore Bollywood blockbuster ‘Ek tha Tiger’ is all set to premiere on Sony Entertainment Television Network’s MAX, the premium channel for a mix of Hindi movies, special events and Cricket, at 1 PM and 9 PM. The TV premiere has been creating a buzz on Facebook with an exciting game app called ‘Ek tha Tiger’ on the MAX Facebook page, where one lucky winner stands to win the iPhone5!
The Ek tha Tiger game is interestingly designed in that it provides options to unlock levels and plays around with the number 9, matching with the premiere date of December 9. You need to ‘like’ the MAX Facebook page to participate in the game.
Facebook and Twitter users will be given options between two tasks which they opt from. The ‘EkTha Tiger’ poster would be provided to Facebook fans in level 1. The fan needs to share it and approve the photo in the album. In keeping with the premiere date of 9th Dec, the fan has to gather a total of 9 likes, comments and shares, which would unlock level 1.
Players who choose to play via Twitter need to use the hashtag #EkThaTigerOnMAX and tweet 9 things what they would miss to watch the MAX Television premiere of ‘EkTha Tiger’. 75 participants will win prizes and unlock level 1.
Once they have cracked level 1, a MAX QR code will appear on their wall as a photo, all they need to do is to use their smart phone to scan the code. A number will be given which needs to be entered in the app, which would lead them to the Tiger’s Hall of Fame where they will need to enter their name and stand to win an iPhone 5.
In addition to the game, it is interesting to note that the channel has been promoting the TV premiere quite extensively on the Facebook wall. A large number of Salman Khan fans and the Facebook community of MAX with more than 6lakh fans are two reasons to justify the game and buzz creation for ‘Ek Tha Tiger’.
Also, this is perhaps for the first time, that a movie premiere on television is being promoted with a big budget! Did you play the game yet?