Avril Lavigne has been revealed as the latest victim of ‘the fappening.’ The alleged photos of Lavigne made their way to Twitter, where the singer was tagged in them.

Multiple Twitter accounts tweeted the photos as responses to tweets from Lavigne’s verified account, a particularly malicious act since it increases the risk of Avril’s fans stumbling across them by accident. Because of retweeting, it may have also led to the photos spreading beyond those that stayed on 4chan, Reddit, and photo sites.

Lavigne has not responded to the incident or the tweets, directly or through a publicist or legal counsel.

Lavigne’s account is also being bombarded with comments about the photos, particularly references to Hello Kitty. This appears to be a reference to the fact that Lavigne (or the person purported to be her) is cuddling a plush Hello Kitty in at least one of the tweeted photos.

Redditors debating authenticity of the photos point to Lavigne’s tattooed arm as evidence, but there’s no reason to assume that couldn’t have been faked, until Avril herself says otherwise. The photos tweeted to Avril’s account are not particularly scandalous: they’re said to be lingerie shots, in clothing that covers more than Lavigne wore in some music videos. (Which does not imply that Avril is any less violated for the act. The photos, if real, were still her personal property, and even if fakes, sharing them or attempting to view them is still a nonconsensual sex act against Lavigne.)

According to Epoch Times, the 4chan account that has been gradually leaking photos promised more of Avril. There is also a Twitter account, allegedly the same person, who is calling on followers to send them photos, retweets, and new followers in exchange for the release of more material.

Redditors, however, have called the poster out on a number of points: for one, those with a keen eye for Photoshop have said that many of the photos are fake, even in cases where there are also real photos of the same celebrity. Others are annoyed at teases, in which the hacker announces that certain videos or photos exist but that they won’t be shared.

Some Redditors have called for some ‘detective work’ in hunting down the original poster, and of course, as BGR confirms, Apple and the FBI are both investigating.

However, perhaps it would be poetic justice if, instead of the FBI, it was other hackers and tech-savvy folks who brought the photo thief down, instead of a more official agency.

In the meantime, we wait to hear whether Avril Lavigne will join the growing number of celebs who have vowed legal action.

[photo credit: JBicalho via photopin cc]