With the right tools, you can drastically improve your website’s conversion rates.
You can write better content, improve the load speed of your web pages, and get a better understanding of your audiences’ dynamics (among other things) — all of these are crucial to the success of SMBs.
Sadly, because a lot aren’t investing in the right tools, they end up getting abysmal conversion rates.
What’s worse?
Despite their horrifying sign-ups, link clicks, add-to-carts, or sales, they’re still oblivious about why they’re performing poorly — all because they aren’t using the right tools.
To help make sure this doesn’t happen to you, we’re going to look into four essential tools that SMBs can use (with ease) to grow their conversion rates.
1. Oribi
Oribi’s advocacy is about democratizing data. As a company, they aim to help their users obtain data and act on them easily — even without the help of developers or professionals who specialize in Business Intelligence.
From the top-level view, the platform simplifies your web analytics, making it easy for everyone in your team to view, analyze, and grasp the data that they’re looking at — giving them crucial insights on how to optimize and allocate their marketing budget.
While known data analytics platforms like Google Analytics are also capable of this feat, the struggle lies with how complex and overwhelming these platforms often are.
Considering how not all SMBs have a Google Analytics expert on their team, they end up getting lost with all the pertinent data that the platform shows, preventing them from truly leveraging (and taking action) on their data.
Oribi, on the other hand, presents their data in such a way that it can be easily understood.
Another thing worth highlighting is how easy Oribi makes it for its users to create and track smart funnels.
Even if their users have several domains, Oribi’s Cross-Domain Funnels allow them to follow their visitors across multiple domains.
They can also filter the funnels based on channels, devices, and countries (among other filters), enabling their users to have a better grasp of their audiences’ behavior — which is crucial when optimizing a website for conversion.
Furthermore, Oribi can evaluate and uncover which among their users’ content is driving the most conversion.
With this information, the users will have a better understanding of which content type will bring them the most conversion.
2. Mouseflow
Knowing how your web visitors behave while they are on your website will give you hints on how to improve your conversion rates.
Whether you’re looking to sell your products, increase your sign-ups, or you just want to generate audience engagement (among other things), you’ll get far better results if you learn about your visitors’ behavior while on your site.
Mouseflow’s heatmap feature can help you with just that.
It shows you which parts of your web page your web visitors are dropping off and which parts they are focusing on.
Here’s how their heatmap looks.
With this kind of insight, you’d be able to make adjustments on the parts of your website that need adjustments.
You won’t be guessing.
You have actual data that shows the “weak” parts/elements of your website.
What’s more, Mouseflow has heat maps based on clicks, movement, scroll, and attention.
They also have a robust filter feature that allows you to zoom in on the data that you’re trying to analyze and monitor.
3. Hemingway App
Your website copy can make or break the success of your business.
With it, you can compel your web visitors to stay engaged and continue consuming your content. More importantly, you can influence them to take action on your offers.
That is why, when optimizing your website for conversions, you need to have stellar content.
And by “stellar,” we’re not just talking about your web copy not having any typos or grammar mistakes, it needs to read well, be relatable, and have all the psychological triggers to make it more compelling.
One of the best tools you can use to write exceptional content is the Hemingway App.
There are a couple of ways the platform can help improve your copy:
- It can highlight some complex words that you’re using and offer a better word to use.
- It can also show you the parts of your write-up where you’re using passive voice so you can replace it.
- It also highlights the parts in your web copy that’s hard to read.
- Etc.
Here’s the app in action.
As you can see, it’s highlighting the parts of your write-up that can be improved.
It also offers comments and suggestions on how to possibly improve the highlighted section.
While the suggestions of the tool aren’t always correct, for the most part, it’s pretty much spot on and reliable.
With the help of the Hemingway app, you can take your “OK” content to the next level and turn it into a conversion-generating monster.
4. Google Page Speed Insights
With how short the attention span of this generation has become, you stand to lose bajillions of would-be customers if your pages load at a snail’s pace.
With a slow-loading speed, your web visitors (who are often on the go) will only click away and go to your competitors.
To help examine your website’s load speed performance, you can use a free online tool like the Google Page Speed Insights.
It’s a no-brainer to use the tool.
Just type in your website’s URL into the empty box, click Analyze, and start seeing the results.
This is the tool’s analysis of edition.cnn.com.
As you can see, the tool can reveal a lot about your website’s load speed performance. Not only that, but the tool also offers recommendations on how to improve your website’s load speed.
As you take action on the suggestions, you are bound to see an improvement in your website’s load speed.
As your website loads quicker, your web visitors are going to have a pleasant user experience, making it easier for you to convince them to take action on your offers.
What’s next?
Because the funding of SMBs aren’t on the same level as large and established corporations, it pays to make every single penny they spend on marketing count.
That’s what conversion optimization can help them with.
If you start using the tools we covered and take action on the tips in this guide, your conversions are bound to improve.
If there are other tools, tips, and ideas that you’d like to share, feel free to add them in the comments section below.