Benefits of incorporating pinterest to your social media strategy

Benefits of incorporating Pinterest to your social media strategy

Pinterest is no longer viewed as a niche player in social media marketing. The image sharing site has experienced exponential growth and an increased user base as well, thereby cementing its position as a social media behemoth in the online arena.

Adding Pinterest to your social media strategy will not only drive additional traffic to your site, but also will improve brand image and reputation. Using creative Pinterest campaigns, you can build a solid online presence and win the hearts of your target customers. The fact that Pinterest users purchase items in greater quantity and spend more money than any other social network makes it a must-have tool to include in your arsenal of social media marketing.

Below we have listed 3 major benefits of incorporating Pinterest to your social media marketing strategy.

1. Improve Social Signals

Google and various other search engines factor social signals into their rankings. Pinterest pins provide a great opportunity for online businesses to boost and improve social signals. Improved social signals have a positive impact on the website’s ranking. When online users share your pins, the social signals go up. Search engines including Google recognize improved social signals as increased popularity of the website linked to the Pinterest page. This results in improving the ranking of the website.

Backlinks are gold mines for online websites. The amount and quality of backlinks have a major impact on search engine rankings. A large number of backlinks included in a high authority website greatly improve the ranking of the website. Incorporating Pinterest in your social media strategy will not only help promote products and services but will also generate additional backlinks for the site.

Search engines index content posted on the Pinterest page. Every link contained in the pins is recognized by the search engines as valid backlinks of the site. Moreover, every repin of the content containing the link counts as additional links leading to improved search engine rankings.

3. Build Online Connection

Pinterest greatly helps in building online connections. Since millions of online users use Pinterest, adding this social media network to your online marketing strategy can greatly boost your online connections. When you build your boards correctly, you will be able to create a structure that results in increased user engagement. Increased user engagement will, in turn, lead to greater effectiveness of your online social media campaigns bringing greater ROI and profits.

But the main question is how does Pinterest make money for your online business? Pinterest does this by helping you gain additional followers and by extending the reach of your Pinterest posts. ViralWoot is a Pinterest tool that can help you achieve this goal.

By using this tool, you not only gain additional followers but can also schedule pins in advance, create pin alerts, manage different Pinterest accounts, promote pins and find out the performance of individual posts and Pinterest boards. Register for a free trial today if you want to find out how this Pinterest tool can help you create a strong presence on Pinterest and gain maximum traffic towards your site.

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