lead generation, B2B marketingEmail marketing can be both an inbound and outbound marketing tool. But you’re sending out emails, so how can this be considered something of an inbound marketing scheme? Well, here’s where you can set the difference between how you can make your marketing campaign inbound or outbound.

First off, as a lead generation campaign, email marketing has proved to be very successful. However, wouldn’t you say that the success that has been associated with its usage is also dependent on how it is used? In other words, you can only succeed in this marketing medium when you actually know what to do. Now let’s take a gander at some helpful pieces of advice and information for using this both inbound and outbound marketing medium for generating business leads.

Email marketing is inbound – How the heck is this inbound when marketers are sending out emails in order to find organizations to work with? Well, the answer to that is simple. It can be considered inbound when you are sending emails to people who have expressed their intent to receive said emails from you. This is demonstrated through working with an opt-in email list. Rather than you having to send and blast content to thousands of unknown prospects, through opt-in emails lists, you work with people who want to receive your newsletters. In other words, they are attracted to your company and thus want to learn more about you and what you offer through keeping continuous communication with you, in this case through emails.

Practice proper segmentation – Anyone who says that segmenting your email lists has no effect is clearly not a knowledgeable marketer. In this form of marketing, segmenting lists provides the best results! You want to be targeting the right prospects and send them the content that is relevant to their needs. So, you can clearly see just how segmenting your email lists helps you in your efforts. Always send content to your prospects according to market segments; don’t do it willy-nilly in order to maximize your click-through and open rates.

Find out when “too much” is too much – You’re probably frequently blasting emails to your prospects and addresses on your email lists. The problem with this is that one of the main reasons why people unsubscribe from mailing lists is that businesses just send too much email. As a person, you can understand just how annoying it is to see email after email from the same company, all with the same message. So if your marketing campaign doesn’t seem to be getting any nibbles on the hook, then you may be sending a tad too many emails to your prospects. Alternatively, you could be sending too little information so figure out if it’s an excess or a lack thereof.

There’s a lot more to talk about in regards to email marketing. And although it does show tremendous potential when it comes to searching for prospects and lead generation, you really need to figure out where you plan to take your campaign, and how you’re going to be running it. As part of your B2B marketing efforts, it’s an indispensable tool. So learn the ropes and ramp up your efforts!