Throughout your school career, you learn things that make you smarter. Learning is a part of life, but for many people, quality learning stops after high school or college. However, there are things you can study that continue to make you smarter. Philosophy is one of those subjects.
What is philosophy?

Simply put, philosophy is the study of fundamental and general problems. These problems involve logic, reason, knowledge and mind. In more complex terms, however, philosophy is so much deeper than that. Philosophy is understanding the world around you and how you relate to the world.A philosophical approach to solving problems does not use systematic methods or rules. It mostly relies on rational argument or points.

How philosophy makes you smarter

1. It forces you to expand your way of thinking

Unlike other types of learning, philosophy is a major study that forces you to broaden the way you think. You can not study philosophy without accepting the way things are rationalized or others’ opinions.

If you study mathematics, you are essentially getting smarter, but only in the way of mathematics. You may learn the rules and formulas, but your knowledge won’t transpose itself into other life situations. Learning math is only good for math. However, when you learn philosophy, you learn how to think in different ways.

2. Philosophy is complex

You can study philosophy for years and you would still never fully grasp every concept. Therefore, by simply studying philosophy diligently, you open yourself up to years of learning. With that much time, you will undoubtedly become smarter than you previously were.

3. Philosophy means “love of wisdom”

This may seem obvious, but wouldn’t you expect to get smarter by studying something that literally meant” love of wisdom?” When you study a subject that focuses on gaining wisdom, you will inherently get smarter. Each philosophical branch has rich principles and concepts that can better your mind and quality of life. Learning a little bit of each philosophical branch will give you a greater appreciation for the world in which you live.

Never forsake learning and education. Pick up a book and start learning something new. Philosophical subjects are a great place to start.