Daniel Brühl, known for his roles in Rush and Inglorious Basterds, has been cast as the villain in Captain America: Civil War. There are no official details on who he will play, the only information released was this statement by Marvel’s Kevin Feige: “With Daniel’s ability to deliver intense, nuanced performances, we knew we had found yet another great actor to share the screen with some of our biggest heroes.”

The actor, a long time German star, only recently came into the U.S. public eye after his role in Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds, then going on to  earn Golden Globe, SAG, and BAFTA nominations for his role in Rush, playing Forumla 1 driver Niki Lauda.


Bruhl joins Chris Evans as Captain America and Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man as the two characters go head to head in the movie said to drastically change the Marvel cinematic universe. The film sees these two friends become enemies over a government issued “registration act”, which forces all superheroes to register their identities; Iron Man supports it, while Captain America opposes it. The film will also see the debut of Black Panther, played by Chadwick Boseman. Additionally, Bruhl is apparently not to be the main villain in the film, but could potentially be the top menace in Doctor Strange.

The film will have Joe and Anthony Russo returning to direct after their first venture with Captain America: The Winter Soldier was so successful. The film is set to be released May 6, 2016.