Each day, video professionals and marketers look for new ideas to deliver relevant messaging to their clients and prospects. Most marketers use the basics: video search engines like YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion to deliver relevant results for video trends and published video. Marketers can then take successful videos (highly viewed) and incorporate those ideas into their own strategy.

Learning how you can incorporate both free and cost-effective tactics into your marketing and public relations strategy will extend your strategy beyond branding and engagement metrics (video views, time spent watching video, etc.) to micro and macro conversions: more site subscriptions, transactions, and revenue.

We’ve compiled a list of the top video marketing and ad tools to get you started. Take a look- some of these are free to try:

Company Name Link Site Title Tagline
adap.tv http://www.aolplatforms.com/onebyaol?site=adap AOL Platforms ONE by AOL: One Platform. Infinite Solutions. Real Results
adRise https://adrise.com/ The Leading Internet Connected TV Platform The largest Connected TV Content Distribution and Monetization Platform
Animoto https://animoto.com/ Video Maker & Photo Slideshow Maker Make great videos. Easily
Brightcove https://www.brightcove.com/en/ The Leading Online Video Platform The most powerful cloud-based solutions for delivering and monetizing video across every connected device.
Brightroll http://www.brightroll.com/ Programmatic Video Advertising We build technology that automates video advertising globally
Eyeview http://www.eyeviewdigital.com/ Branding That Moves Product Branding That Moves Product
Genesismedia http://www.genesismedia.com/ Harness the Power of Attention Harness the Power of Attention
Innovid http://www.innovid.com/ The Leader in Interactive Online Video Advertising Sight, Sound, Motion, Interaction: The Next Frontier
Jivox http://www.jivox.com/ Personalized Digital Advertising Data Driven Dynamic Advertising On All Screens
JW Player http://www.jwplayer.com/ The World’s Most Popular Video Player The World’s Most Popular Video Player
Kaltura http://corp.kaltura.com/ Kaltura Video Platform Kaltura Cited as a LEADER in the Forrester Wave: Enterprise Video Platforms and Webcasting, Q1 2015 Report
Lexmark https://www.lexmark.com/en_us.html Enterprise software, Managed print services & Multifunction products Lexmark acquires Kofax
Liquidus Marketing http://www.liquidus.net/ Liquidus Marketing Tear Sheet Automation Improves Co-op Reimbursement Process Efficiency by 60%
Mixpo http://multiscreen.mixpo.com/ The most advanced social and video ad solutions Reach & Convert Your Audience on Social.
Ooyala http://www.ooyala.com/ Unlocking the Revenue Potential of Digital TV Unlock the Revenue Potential of Digital TV
Optimatic http://www.optimatic.com/ Video Advertsing Made Easy The Best Video Advertising Solution in the Marketplace
Piksel http://www.piksel.com/ Piksel Liberating the value of your video
Pixability http://www.pixability.com/ Youtube Video Marketing We’ve Changed Youtube Ad Buying Forever. For The Better.
Playwire http://www.playwire.com/ Video Content Managment Stream, Encode, Host and Monetization All in One
PowToon http://www.powtoon.com/ Free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative Create Animated Videos and Presentations
Ramp http://www.ramp.com/ Compete Video Solutions For Media and the Enterprise We Make Video Valuable
Sincell http://www.sincell.com/ Sincell FreeCMS
Spot Runner http://www.spotrunner.com/ Intelligent Advertising Intelligent advertising
Spotxchange http://www.spotxchange.com/ Online Video Advertising Platform A Better Way to Buy and Sell Video Ads
SproutVideo https://sproutvideo.com/ Video Hosting for Businesses Grow Your Business with Powerful, Easy to Use, and Affordable Video Hosting
Stupeflix https://studio.stupeflix.com/en/ Make videos online with photos, clips, music Make amazing videos in seconds
SundaySky http://www.sundaysky.com/ Personalized Video by SundaySky SmartVideo: Stories that matter to the consumer. Results that matter to the business
Syndicaster www.syndicaster.tv The end-to-end cloud video platform Streamline the creation and distribution of video clips, realize new revenue streams and extend video beyond traditional markets.
Tremor video http://tremorvideo.com/en Video Advertising The premium video marketplace
Tubemogul http://www.tubemogul.com/ Video Advertising Software TubeMogul is Software for Brand Advertising
TubeTrackr http://tubetrackr.com/ TubeTrackr Tools and Dashboards for YouTube Channels
tubular https://tubularlabs.com/ Tubular Labs The most widely used video intelligence platform
Undertone http://www.undertone.com/ Undertone High Impact Ad Formats Now Available Programmatically
uStudio https://ustudio.com/ Online Video Platform Do More with Video
Vdopia http://www.vdopia.com/mobile/ Mobile Video Mobile-first programmatic buying and selling platform built from the ground up for mobile video advertising
vidcaster http://www.vidcaster.com/ The Video Results Company Transform your video library from an underused asset into an unfair advantage
Viddler http://www.viddler.com/ Interactive Video Based Corportate Training & Learning Make your training videos EFFECTIVE. Make your company Videos SECURE. Let your product videos REDUCE SUPPORT COSTS. Make your website video ENGAGING.
Videology http://www.videologygroup.com/ Video advertising platform Combating bot traffic across devices
Vidyard http://www.vidyard.com/ Video Marketing and Sales Enablement Turn viewers into customers
Viewbix http://corp.viewbix.com/ Viewbix Turn your videos into social ads.
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/ Your videos belong here Make life worth watching
ViralGains http://www.viralgains.com/ Viral Video Marketing &Social Video Advertising Spread Awesome
Visible Measures http://www.visiblemeasures.com/ Visible Measures Media That Captures Consumer Attention
vungle https://vungle.com/ The way developers put video ads in their apps The way developers put video ads in their apps
Vzaar http://vzaar.com/ Video Hosting For Business We Are Video Hosting For Business
WeVideo https://www.wevideo.com/ Free Online Video Editor & Maker Easily create outstanding videos
Wistia http://wistia.com/ Video Hosting for Business Business Smarts Meets Video Smarts
YuMe http://www.yume.com/ YuMe The Dollar Behind Your Digital