Undoubtedly the trends and future of video content marketing are gaining popularity every year. Marketers must not be surprised when video contents are getting the most engagement and performing better than other content forms such as text, blog posts and the like. We should be thankful for mobile devices and technology including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix and more, which makes it deliverable and consumable to the viewers.

In the technology and modern era, the preference of videos is much higher than other channels from a tutorial, brands, product demo to testimonials.

Great video content can give your business an exponential growth with massive conversion and ROI.

Let’s look at the trend of Video Content Marketing, and its future preferences and scope in brand busing, lead generation, conversion or for any other aspects.

Let’s Analyse the Various Dimensions Step by Step:

Increase Recall Value in the mind’s of Customers with Video Marketing:

In a Hubspot study, video content increases the recall value of the audience by 80%, and they remember what they have seen in the last month. It creates more impact other than else, such as blog posts or any other text-based content.

Boost your Website’s SEO with Video Content:

After watching a branded video, 65% of business decision-makers decide to visit the marketer’s site. The number is so impressive that it can give a tremendous reach and organic growth of your website by driving traffic to your homepage.

Higher Chances of being Viral:

Studies and research shows that 92% share the video content and they consume mobile videos.

Bring leads and get more Conversion with Video Contents:

In a study of EyeViewDigital and HubSpot, it was found that video contents increase conversion rate by 80% and email campaigns with videos have six times higher open rate.

Other than this, video content has a robust presence in the market. Look at the statistics and the shares of video content below in the infographic:

Future of Video Content Marketing
Source: YouTube, HubSpot, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Google

If we talk about the entertainment industry, it is highly dominated by YouTube and Netflix, followed by Hulu, Amazon Prime Videos, and Vimeo.

If we talk about the Education Industry, video contents are trending and established its presence worldwide. Because it is increasing digital literacy, higher-order learning with remote teaching opportunities and visual stimulation grabs students’ attention.

Softwares such as Google Hangouts and Zoom are dominating the calling or conferencing ability.

Other Types of Video Content Marketing Include:

  • Video Blog Posts (Vlogs)
  • Video Interviews/Presentations
  • Tutorial videos
  • Product Reviews and Demos(such as Automobile reviews)
  • Video Testimonials(to gain trust and popularity)
  • Recordings and Live Streaming
  • Video Ads

Preferences of Users on Video Content and its effect on Sales:

  • Now, the era of television has almost diminished. As per the study of Google, out of 10 people, six prefer to watch online videos rather TV.
  • According to HubSpot, 72% of customers prefer video content to learn and know about a new product.
  • Before visiting physical or online stores, 50% of internet users prefer to watch a video to gain knowledge about that product.
  • This data seems peculiar to us. But more than 85% of people do watch video without sound on vs 70% do watch Instagram Stories with sound.
  • In the study of Ad Age, people are having very short spam and less patience. Small videos will perform better in future. 33% of viewers stop watching after 30 seconds, and 45% will stop when video exceed one minute, and 60% of viewers will end when 2 minutes is up.
  • As a marketer, when you want to deliver information about your product or services, 95% of customers can retain your message through video while only 10 % via blog post or any text contents. 95% of people remember your Calls-To-Action (CTA) after watching video whereas 10% remember your CTAs in blog posts or any text.
  • After seeing Facebook Stories, 62% of people claims about their interest in a product.
  • The ranking of your website on Google or any search engine will be 53 times more if you have video content.
  • The blog post webpages with are embedded with videos increase session and stay time on your site by 2.6X.

Preference on Mobile Device Vs Others:

  • Studies of Insivia and eMarketer revealed the growth of videos on mobile devices are 100% every year, 75% of videos are watched in mobile device out of total watched videos.
  • The data of Facebook shows, the viewership of videos on a mobile device is 1.5X higher other devices.
  • There is a deep relationship between Video Content & Influencer Marketing. The video content is highly preferred by influencers.

Social use

  • Facebook daily receives more than 8 billion views on video content, and more than 75 million people visit Facebook video platform.
  • YouTube is the king in the video market, and it receives more than 5 Billion views each day on videos.
  • On these two social platforms, 45% of people do watch more than 1 hour every week.
  • 82% of Twitter users watch video content.

Frequency of Videos and Insights:

  • 78% of all internet users watch online videos every week, and 55% watch daily.
  • The study of Forbes shows, the customer testimonials, tutorial videos and demo videos are the top 3 dominant types of video content.
  • Approximately 75% of people prefer videos which are less than 1 minute.
  • A surprising analysis came in the study of Cosco, by 2022, online videos will make up 15X higher consumer traffic in comparison to 2017, which is 82% of all internet users. Moreover, 79% of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video.

Closing KeyNote:

The market for video marketing is emerging and ever-growing.

It plays a crucial role in driving traffic, generating leads and conversion.

Video Contents can transform the business, with colossal sale and ROI.

It is dominating the significant industries such as entertainment, gaming, streaming, education, and many more. It also plays a substantial role in Social Media.

Moreover, the future of video content marketing will lie in the hands of innovation, creativity, technology, AI, Big Data and adapting to consumer’s dynamic needs. People always prefer quality over quantity.

Hence, to be a successful video marketer, always focus on creating most engaging, inspiring, informing and enticing videos.

So, let us know how are you set to boost your marketing strategy with the video content.

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