Some people can’t start their day without it. Others rely on it to make it through until quitting time. And whether you like it super strong or on the weak side, chances are you have a favorite kind of coffee to which you are loyal. Thought to have been discovered in the northeast region of Ethiopia, coffee made its way around the world starting in the Middle East, slowly reaching India and then Italy before going global and reaching your breakfast table. With so many different beans out there, it helps to have some guidance for finding the best brew. These folks are the top ten coffee experts on Twitter and they’ll help you find the perfect morning perk for you!
1. @CoffeeGeek: Mark Prince, a coffee expert from Ontario and senior editor of, tweets to thousands of followers with information from his website, discussions, reviews, and the best bargains at cafes. His website is a comprehensive source for all coffee lovers and experts, as well as a go-to for opinions on various coffee trends, products, coffee-making equipment, coffee makers, and more. The website offers guides on making everything from iced to Vietnamese coffee, how to use the latest coffee gadgets, and reviews from consumers and CoffeeGeek writers.
Tweets: 21,728 | Followers: 8,824 | MMI Rank: 841 | Stars: 5
2. @AmautaCoffee: All that is known of this mysterious coffee expert is that his name is S. Luis Till and he is a roaster of Andean coffee from Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. His blog, Amauta Coffee, shares pictures of food he eats, the coffee and beverages he drinks, and scenes and objects of interest from his travels. He tweets updates, conversations on coffee with other experts, and coffee-related news.
Tweets: 18,149 | Followers: 1,087 | MMI Rank: 3,227 | Stars: 5
3. @CoffeeCupNews: Jason Coffee (his last name is, in fact, Coffee!) describes himself as a person who “loves coffee and working hard”. From Kansas City, MO, Jason reviews coffee products, blends, and coffee-making equipment on his website His website has been featured on The Coffee Mater Store’s “Coolest Coffee Sites Ever” list. A sort of coffee celebrity on the web, he has one of the largest online followings in the coffee world. His twitter page is the best place to chat with him on all things coffee, and find links to hundreds of coffee-related YouTube videos on his channel.
Tweets: 8,002 | Followers: 81,180 | MMI Rank: 3,624 | Stars: 5
4. @coffeezen: Darren Williger is a social strategist, entrepreneur, and sort of master of all trades. He creates online content on many topics, including coffee. His website, CoffeeZen, shares educational articles on caffeine, coffee beans, how to make the perfect cup of coffee, and the best equipment to use. His twitter page is “all about coffee” and is a useful resource for all information on coffee drinking and making.
Tweets: 7,805 | Followers: 26,198 | MMI Rank: 4,056 | Stars: 5
5. @ShotOfCoffee: Mike Crimmins wants you to know that he isn’t a coffee connoisseur. His twitter feed and blog, Daily Shot of Coffee, make it clear that he enjoys a cup of coffee from the gas station as much as he enjoys a cup from Starbucks or a unique brewer. Mike tries to bring the world of coffee into perspective for the average person and his blog has something for everyone, whether they are an occasional coffee drinker, a full blown coffee geek, or a future coffee shop owner.
Tweets: 12,123 | Followers: 2,834 | MMI Rank: 4,397 | Stars: 5
6. @SpecialtyCoffee: Founded in 1982, Specialty Coffee Association of America is a civilian trade organization that sets standards for growing, roasting, and brewing premium coffee. Members include coffee retailers, roasters, producers, exporters and importers, as well as manufacturers of coffee equipment and related products. The organization publishes its own blog where it shares news on awards and events which include trips to various countries, certification exams, coffee camps, developmental programs and more.
Tweets: 3,803 | Followers: 10,351 | MMI Rank: 9,736 | Stars: 4
7. @aldocoffee: Located in Pittsburgh, Aldo Coffee, named after a favorite pet of the owners, is a coffee bar and café that has introduced many innovative trends into the local coffee scene. While their stand-up counter bar wasn’t so successful, their idea to brew the best coffees that other states and countries have to offer was. Their ‘About Us’ page gives the history of their shop, how the café got its name, some ideas that didn’t last, and what they provide to their loyal customers.
Tweets: 3,657 | Followers: 1,743 | MMI Rank: 14,428 | Stars: 4
8. @transcendcoffee: Transcend Coffee is a roaster and retailer company located in Canada, specializing in gourmet coffee beans. They purchase their beans directly from the countries they visit. Their baristas receive a minimum of 40 hours of intense espresso and latte art training, among other things. The company also offers its customers monthly public coffee tastings, video podcasts, café design and equipment consulting and corporate barista training.
Tweets: 2,972 | Followers: 3,260 | MMI Rank: 15,024 | Stars: 4
9. @1000HillsCoffee: This coffee company does more than just brew great coffee. Founded by Jonathan Golden in 2001, Land of a Thousand Hills gets its name from the epithet for Rwanda and is dedicated to preventing wars and genocide there by creating job opportunities that offer a fair wage and improved lifestyle. Every coffee purchased at Land of a Thousand Hills contributes toward the restoration of a normal way of life in countries like Rwanda, Haiti, Thailand and many others all over the globe. The company motto is “Drink Coffee. Do Good.”
Tweets: 2,762 | Followers: 3,338 | MMI Rank: 15,074 | Stars: 4
10. @CommunityCoffee: Community Coffee is the largest family-owned coffee company in America. Owned by the Saurage family and based in Louisiana, Community Coffee has partnerships with coffee growers in South America and Africa, and is involved in many community-building efforts. Community Coffee’s brews are found across eleven Southern states and are also shipped around the world through
Tweets: 1,783 | Followers: 6,715 | MMI Rank: 15,182 | Stars: 4
* All number of tweets and followers are based on facts collected while the article was written.