The snail sink, developed by High Tech, is a sink that appears to be a fossil of some prehistoric snail-like creature.  What you didn’t know when you bought this sink was that High Tech stumbled upon it while making a great journey across the deserts of Egypt.  The journeymen found a giant snail laying atop a sink that they believed could make them millions, due to its amazing design.  A battle ensued between the tech nerds and the giant snail, but eventually the geeks prevailed.  They shelled the snail, ate it for dinner, and returned back home with a beautiful sink.

snail sink

When the High Tech employees returned to the headquarters, it was discovered that they were hallucinating and had brought back a tourist and a dead camel – not a sink.  (That heat is brutal – it’ll give you visions.  Watch out for them ‘coons that live in Kentucky.)  All of the employees were fired three months later when hallucinatory drugs were found in their systems.  High Tech was forced to go through a long ordeal of police interviews, and later decided to make a sink out of the insane ramblings of their comrades.  Thus, the snail sink was born!  Now, you too can relive the epic journey of giant snails, dead camels, tourists, and hallucinatory drugs! 

snail sink

In all seriousness, the snail sink is a cool basin made from an amalgamation of different materials.  If I had the chance to buy any sink that I wanted, this would be on my top 5 list.  (It’s cool, but I’m sure there are cooler sinks out there.  In… The Scary Door.)