This blog post was inspired by a previous post that I wrote, entitled “How To Remove An Amazon Instant Video From Your Kindle Fire.”

While attempting to remove an Amazon Instant Video from my Kindle Fire, I accidentally removed it from my Amazon Video Library (which is located in your Amazon account). As most mistakes do, it taught me another lesson, which I will be sharing with you.

I actually learned How To Remove An Amazon Instant Video From My Video Library from a Google search on removing an Amazon Instant Video. It returned an Amazon forum thread, which at first seemed useless because the thread is so old. Most of the link names have changed on Amazon, so I had to read through and piece together how to do it using Amazon’s newly named “Your Account” and other links.

Here’s what I learned, and how you can Remove An Instant Video From your Amazon Video Library:

1). Log in to your Amazon account.

Login to Your Amazon Account.
Login to Your Amazon Account.

2). Hold your mouse cursor over “Your Account.”

Hold your mouse over "Your Account"
Hold your mouse over “Your Account”

3). Click on “Your Video Library.”

Amazon Video Library
Amazon Video Library

4). Click on the image of the video.

Delete Instant Video
Delete Instant Video

5). Click on the “Delete this movie” button.

Be sure you want to delete the Instant Video
Be sure you want to delete the Instant Video.

6). You will get a message that says,

You have successfully deleted this movie, and then the following page will immediately appear stating that “Your Video Library is currently empty” if you have no other videos in your library. If you have other videos, I am assuming it will tell you what you have in your library.

SUCCESS! You've deleted the Instant Video from Your Video Library.
SUCCESS! You’ve deleted the Instant Video from Your Video Library.

There you have it. Don’t do like I did and use these instructions to try to delete the video from your Kindle. Be sure to follow the instructions in my previous post if that is what you want to do.