Free Wi-Fi

If you run a business where the customers are likely to linger, it’s better to offer free Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi helps to boost sales and builds loyalty. 40% of the devices customers bring in have connected to Wi-Fi network at least at some point of time.

Naturally, you would like to ensure your customers a great experience. Here are some ways to find out potential problems and ensure customers a delightful experience.

Make your Network Secure

As soon as your customers get accustomed to using your Wi-Fi connection, they will be extremely disappointed if it goes down. If this happens very often, they may consider visiting your outlet too.

Before offering free Wi-Fi to the customers, check with the internet service provider to ensure that you can offer reliable service. Find out the number of users you can support simultaneously, if video streams can get priority, or if you need to pay an amount for too much data transfer. This will strengthen the confidence of customers in your business rather than weaken it.

Avoid Shortage of Bandwidth

All the smartphones and computers that are connecting to your Wi-Fi network add to the total data load. If you are not paying for sufficient bandwidth, the users will get dissatisfied. You need to know your need. As soon as you know how much you require, compare prices offered by the local internet service providers.

Make Wi-Fi a Part of your Brand’s Strategy

This is not about putting stickers on the door or letting a service provider install Wi-Fi in your location. When the customers walk into your store, they have some expectations. Branding is chiefly about managing, building and maintaining these expectations and Wi-Fi is just a part of it. Treat Wi-Fi as a part of your internal real estate the way you treat your chairs, cups, plates, etc. This will help you to meet customer expectations and extract business value better.

Ensure Your Wi-Fi Hotspot is Not Attracting Squatters

Some people may use or try using your wireless network without purchasing much or buying anything at all. You can try to convert them into customers. Use a signage explaining that Wi-Fi is an expense and that you need the Wi-Fi users to purchase enough from you to help you stay in business. No doubt, a few squatters may leave, but a significant percentage will be regular customers.

Pick a Router that Works Perfectly for Guest Wi-Fi

The routers that you pick up at the departmental store are chiefly for home or small office environments. While some of them come with features that you don’t need, others lack the necessary ones.

Here are some things you can look for.

  • Good Wi-Fi chip

Most enterprise-grade routers or Wi-Fi access points can handle around twenty five wireless devices at a given point of time. Routers at times have cheap Wi-Fi transmit, receiving chips that in a real world situation can handle just 4 to 7 devices at a given point of time. This will cause everyone’s experience to degrade. Ensuring a good Wi-Fi chip will help you in the long run.

  • Send you Alarms

It’s better to find yourself a router that alarms you in case something is not right. You certainly don’t want a situation where you have no idea that your Wi-Fi is not working properly till a customer makes you aware of it. It will certainly be a nice option if the router could notify in case something is not right.

Opt for a Guest Wi-Fi Router

You may find it easier to offer the guests Wi-Fi using the router that is already there for internal services. No doubt, this is cost effective, but it creates trouble with manageability and security. It is better to keep the networks separated and have a dedicated guest Wi-Fi router. This will make things secure and easier.

Ensure the Customers are Aware of Terms of Use

Terms of use are nothing apart from a tool for managing liability. A customer’s computer may get infected or their bank account may get hacked. The terms of use will help you to cover yourself and ensure that your customers are aware of the risks of using free Wi-Fi services.

Provision for free Wi-Fi will make your business more attractive to the customers. Make sure it is secure, reliable and meets with their expectations.