If you are planning or in the process of making a new website for your business then you are going to need to find a web hosting package to suit the needs of your business. Most people don’t really know much about web hosting or what they are about to purchase. These web-hosting companies have hundreds of different services and packages to suit every companies needs so be sure to explain what your needs are clearly. The hosting companies have thousands of computers in their data centre that are temperature controlled which protects the hardware and data stored on the machines.
Web hosting companies have lots of different services but I hope that this list of service will help you choose what is best for your business.
Cloud Hosting
Cloud Hosting is one of the newer types of hosting available for a business. From what I have seen it is becoming increasingly popular for business who like to share things. Instead of your website folders and data being stored on one server it will be stored across multiple servers. The great thing about this is that if one server has a problem the other severs will compensate for this and your website will always remain live. This means that you website performance will not drop if one server malfunctions. This service is not suitable for websites that have data privacy services but if you need to protect credit card information then PCI DSS Hosting will be the one for your business..
Dedicated Hosting
This type of hosting means that you have a sever dedicated to your business. This means that if you have a number of websites eg client websites you can store them all on one server. Dedicated hosting provides you with the ability to access your company sever remotely and make and software installs or update when they are due. This type of server is well suited to a company that has a large website with high levels of traffic. This might seem great but for start ups it can be costly.
Shared Hosting
This is by far the most commonly used source of web hosting. Unlike dedicated hosting, you share a server with other websites. This does not mean that the other website admin have access to your website and date or vice verse. Each website on the server are separate entities. Each client is allocated space on the server but you all share the same resources that the server computer has to offer eg RAM and CPU. Sometimes Hosting companies have restrictions in relation to installing updates. This is the most reasonable priced type of hosting and most times it suits every website.
Choosing the right hosting really does depend on what your business needs so be sure to do a lot of research before purchasing any type of hosting and I hope that these 3 types of hosting help you to achieve greatness with your new website.