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Using a partner to help your organisation with Telecom Expense Management can, at a minimum, help achieve savings on bottom line spend through significant cost reduction. There are also three other business benefits that a TEM partner can bring to your business.

1. Comprehensive analysis of billing data

A Telecom Expense Management company can perform a complete analysis of your company’s recent billing data, which will highlight any issues within the telecom estate. This review will indicate if network operators are over charging or billing incorrectly, as well as flagging up any employees that may be regarded as high-cost users. Billing errors are not uncommon and can result in considerable additional cost savings once resolved. Efftel have helped a County Council achieve around £132,000 in refunds, related to incorrect charges and mistakes in billing data. A Telecom Expense Management specialist can discover these issues, and help resolve them, through detailed billing analysis. A TEM partner can also notify clients of any unusual calling patterns that may signal misuse of devices by employees. This review process can also highlight devices that are no longer in use or needed.

2. Support during the tendering process

Going out to tender can be time-consuming and costly for procurement departments. In-house teams may lack knowledge of country specific market prices, and as a result, under-informed contract agreements can be signed. Dozens of proposals from network operators will also have to be analysed, containing numerous languages, currencies and country specific terminology. The expert procurement support of a Telecom Expense Management supplier will assist an organisation in renegotiating and sourcing of new contracts. Comparisons can be made with similar sized companies to your own, and detailed recommendations provided about the suitability of commercial offers, with any contract clauses that should be of concern highlighted. A TEM vendor provides specific market knowledge and expertise to assist you in the procurement process to ensure that the best possible financial outcome is chosen.

3. Ongoing cost control programme

As we’ve already mentioned, organisations often lack the in-house expertise and technical resources to efficiently manage large telecom estates. A Telecom Expense Management supplier is able to implement an ongoing cost control programme, actively reporting on your business’ continued spend. This service gives employees and department managers a better visibility of the calls they make and ensures that all movements in the inventory of devices, such as unused mobile devices, are tracked. Purpose-built software is used to produce regular reporting and analysis of carrier bills, identifying areas for future savings and providing a clear view of telecoms expenditure. In-house procurement teams can be relieved of this complex and time-consuming task, which can be managed more efficiently through external telecom management experts.

To understand in more detail what a Telecom Expense Management supplier could achieve for your business, download our ‘How to: Save 20% or More Through Telecom Expense Management (TEM)’ guide here. It’s a free guide that explains exactly how Telecom Expense Management could benefit your business’ expenditure.

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