I’m going to say it straight. If you always choose the “safe” option in life, you won’t make any progress. Over the past year and last, I’ve taken several risks, and I don’t regret them at all. The interesting part about taking risks is that you will make mistakes. The good thing about mistakes is that you usually learn from them and don’t repeat them. Stepping out of your comfort zone helps you grow stronger and better. If something makes you feel uneasy, it likely means you’re on the right track.

Many of you reading this might think, yeah, I get it. This feels like another “feel good” message with not much substance behind it. That’s fair. I understand your perspective. As Bulls Eye changes from a blog to a business, I will keep sharing the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur. Honestly, I never imagined that Bulls Eye would turn into a business.

We all have minds. We all think differently. I could have just as easily been a corporate recruiter for the rest of my life. You know it is comfortable. Receiving a check every couple of weeks, having insurance paid for, and having taxes taken out is a safe bet. As someone who wants meaning & purpose in their work though, it simply wasn’t enough for me. It may be enough for you, but after hearing what I say and watching the contingent workforce grow in 2015 and beyond, my bet is more and more people will seek to be entrepreneurs.

It is scary. Some days I feel like I know exactly what I am doing. Others, I have absolutely feel like a lost puppy. Still, I press forward. Some of the things I have written over the past 2-3 years I have second-guessed what I wrote. You know what is funny about the second-guessed posts that I have shared? They are some of the most popular and well read posts that I have ever written. Business is no different.

The one thing I have confidence in above anything else is my ability to recruit. I have done it long enough to say that with Bulls Eye, you are getting the best recruitment service around. There are other aspects of owning a business that are new to me. One doesn’t become a leader without putting their heart and soul into something and putting yourself out there. Believe me when I tell you, I am learning every day and listen and take advice from the people I trust and who have achieved success and whom I consider great leaders.

It is a leap of faith. Without trying something, you will never know if you will succeed. I know a majority of people reading this will be candidates. Passive candidates. People who have been with the same job for years. Entrepreneurship may not be your end game, but you may have been in the comfort zone for a long time. Make a change. I can assure you that you will never regret it. Listen to opportunities. Take risks and make yourself better.

This year my wife Laura and I are taking the biggest risk of our lives. I am confident of the results. We are uncomfortable at times, but we have never been happier. It is time for you to consider making a change also. When you do, give us a call. We will help you on your journey to happiness.