With 326 million people using Twitter every month, Twitter has always remained a robust marketing tool for all the businesses and brands to cater to the needs of such a huge target audience right out there. However, it emerges out to be a highly-effective marketing tool only if it is used appropriately and strategically.

The marketing strategy approach for Twitter is different from the rest of social media platforms and many businesses fail to understand this palpable fact. Having a marketing approach centered around Twitter helps brands to utilize the full benefits of various features of Twitter, thereby setting up the stage for engagement with the target audience and interacting with them.

In this blog, we will be exploring a few sure-shot working tips to include in your Twitter marketing strategy to see the light of success for your brand.

1.Your Twitter Bio Should Represent Who You Truly Are:

The Twitter bio is a 160 character short description or a summary about the business that is displayed right below the profile picture. This is the first thing that anyone would notice when they visit your profile. So, you need to make sure that your bio is a striking one.

It might take some time to come up with a perfect bio, but the efforts would be worth it. The idea is to be to the point yet innovative in making an everlasting impression on the visitors.

Here are some things to keep in mind when crafting a nice bio:

  • Stick to a precise bio. You ought to tell your audience who you are and what your brand is all about.
  • Be true to the core. Do not try and say something that seems like you are boasting about yourself.
  • Do mention your accomplishments though. It just gives an idea that your business is an established one.
  • Craft an attractive bio and you could also tag along popular hashtags so that you are easy to be found.

2. The Timing of Tweet Matters a Lot:

Being active on Twitter does not mean to just keep posting tweets every day at any point of time. The timing of your tweets should be centered around your target audience and should not be based upon your comfort zone.

In general, there are few days in the week when the twitter users are more active. Take this as an opportunity and target your tweets on these days. With a proper timing strategy for your tweets, you will definitely see a jump in your user engagement, impressions, and the number of clicks.

So, which are these days we just talked about?

The survey led by Buffer suggests that you will witness a higher click-through rate on your tweets if you post them on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as compared to the rest of the days of the week.

Twitter Marketing Tips - Best Time to Tweet

(Image Source:
https://buffer.com/resources/best-time-to-tweet-research )

The peak posting times on these particular days will depend upon the location of your target audience, as discussed. Check the performance of your content at different times and figure out what works best for your brand.

Once you come up with the timings that best suit your tweets, you can make use of tools like Buffer or Hubspot to schedule the posting of your tweets.

3. Use Hashtags, But Use Smartly:

No doubt, hashtags help boost the visibility of tweets and generate engagement. It is commonly accepted that tweets with hashtags garner about twice the engagement than those that don’t contain hashtags.

Twitter Marketing Tips - Use Hashtags

(Image Source: https://buffer.com/library/a-scientific-guide-to-hashtags-which-ones-work-when-and-how-many )

However, many marketers infer this fact in the wrong way and start flooding their tweets with tons of hashtags. They are oblivious about another fact that tweets that involve more than two hashtags lead to a decline in engagement by 17%.

(Image Source: https://buffer.com/library/a-scientific-guide-to-hashtags-which-ones-work-when-and-how-many )

So, the tip to note down from these facts is that use the appropriate kind of hashtags sans flooding them. Use only those hashtags that add value to your tweets. You can make use of Twitter analytics to find trending and popular hashtags.

There are various tools available online like Hashtagify to come up with some trending hashtags related to your tweets. RideTag is another good alternative to Hashtagify.

4. Conduct Polls to Engage with your Existing Followers:

This is the easiest and the most effective way to interact with your audience. Polls not only account for more activity on the Twitter page but also helps get some meaningful insights.

The best part is that Twitter already allows adding polls to your post. The process is similar to adding a new tweet. You can see a poll icon at the bottom of the screen when you go about adding a new tweet.

Now, it is time to add your questions and corresponding choices. Here’s an illustration of how the poll window will look like.

( Image Source: https://buffer.com/library/a-scientific-guide-to-hashtags-which-ones-work-when-and-how-many )

In technical terms, these polls prove to be a great tool for conducting market research and customer/client feedback. All in all, the poll results can lead to improving the business and its impression on the target audience.

Looking for an example? Here is a Muse poll to give you an idea of how an effective poll should look like.

( Image Source: https://twitter.com/TheMuse )

Do not forget to add creative CTAs (Call-to-action) that could, in turn, prove to be a great tool to drive sales and boost engagements.

5. Adding Images to Tweets Pave the Way for Retweets:

When you are trying to generate audience and engagement on Twitter, you will have to be different from your competitors. All your competitors are sticking to 140 character limit tweets. So what ‘extra’ you are doing to stay ahead in this competition?

Apart from just writing down and posting the tweets, you can also leverage the options of adding images to your tweets. A survey held by Twitter mentions that inculcation a video or image to the tweet attract 2.5 times more replies. Thus visuals work when it comes to engaging and attracting visitors.

Tweets with inculcated images gain 89% more likes. However, make sure to add images relevant to your post that is compelling and high-quality. Don’t add an image for the sake of adding an image.

(Image Source: https://buffer.com/resources/the-power-of-twitters-new-expanded-images-and-how-to-make-the-most-of-it )

Note that you are a marketer, not a graphic designer and you do not need to be one for designing images to be used on Twitter. Utilize tools like Canva to come up with images that are relevant to your tweets and attract the target audience.

6. Twitter Videos Equal to a Trendy Marketing Plan

Posting images is a norm, but it is the video content that begs to differ. It is certainly the new trend that is gearing up to become the king of effective marketing. The fact is backed up by a study conducted by Cisco that says, “By 2022, online videos will make up for more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic.

As for Twitter, it is already a video-content-ready platform as it allows users to upload a video from the device or record a new one on the go. Your only responsibility as a business reflects in producing engaging videos that strike the right cord.

Also, videos are over six times more likely to be retweeted when compared to images. This is because videos act as a relationship builder by demonstrating the emotions and the backstory behind a tweet.

With newer features being introduced, one can also go live with the “Live video feature.” The best part is that the videos will still be available to watch after the real-time interaction is over.

Twitter is a Powerful Marketing Tool, Make a Good Use of it

Twitter is an authoritative and authenticated brand marketing platform. And successful Twitter marketing is very powerful to turn your potential visitors into loyal customers.

Embrace the tips mentioned in the blog for your Twitter marketing strategy and see a rise in your brand recognition and revenue.

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