What’s one piece of copywriting advice that you have for entrepreneurs who want to convert more leads online?
The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.
1. Focus on the Benefits
Too much sales copy focuses on the features: two calls a month, it’s blue, app for iPhone and iPad! No one cares how it works until they believe in why they need your offer. Sell the benefits, the results, the dream and the why. Only then should you discuss how it all works.
– Kelly Azevedo, She’s Got Systems
2. Be Unexpected
In order for copy to be effective, it has to be read. People don’t want to read boring copy. To grab the attention of your desired audience, you can’t be predictable and use boring corporate speak. Instead, say something unexpected, use an unexpected word or phrase, try a bit of humor and, above all, keep it interesting.
– Rachel Rodgers, Rachel Rodgers Law Office
3. Use Your Successes
Use real-life examples that link your brand to your most reputable customers. This perspective and outside validation will drive conversions upward.
4. Tap Into the Emotions and the Benefits
The biggest pitfall of most new entrepreneurs is focusing on the features that the product possesses. This is exciting for you as the business owner, but the customers generally don’t care — they want results! Focus your copywriting on eliciting the emotions that dig into the pain or pleasure that your product addresses. How does your product actually impact the customer’s life?
– Patrick Conley, Automation Heroes
5. Write for Skimmers, Not for Readers
Remember: “readers” and “website visitors” are different. 79 percent of website visitors only skim the content, so it’s up to us to make it as easy as possible to get the main points. Imagine you’re writing for someone who’s super impatient, running out the door to another meeting and gives you two seconds to tell her what you want her to know. That’s your visitors’ mindset.
– Leah Neaderthal, Start Somewhere
6. Lead With a Story
Your audience is inundated with messages from individuals and organizations trying to tell them what they need, what they should care about and how they should feel. Break through that clutter with storytelling that leads them to their own conclusions while positively reflecting on your brand and your products/services.
– Corey Blake, Round Table Companies
7. Use the Right Jargon
Your readers have their own language: the jargon and slang that are common to the industries and demographics you’re selling to. Make sure you’re using the right terminology to make sense to your audience, even if you have to get a “translator” to help you get the words right.
– Thursday Bram, Hyper Modern Consulting
8. A/B Test
It is relatively easy to implement A/B testing for text content on Web pages. As you’re going through the copywriting process, look into A/B testing tools to help you finalize what text you’ll use on your site. Rather than blindly guessing which copy will lead to more online conversation, A/B testing will give you confidence in your copywriting based on quantitative, real-time information.
9. Be Human
Write copy like there’s actually a real person on the other end. Keep it concise, personable and emotional! Humanizing your brand captures a user’s attention and helps build trust.
– Bobby Emamian, Prolific Interactive
10. Make Your Call to Action Clear
Your call to action should not be limited to only one mention at the end of your content. Rather, it should be interspersed throughout your landing page or any other sales literature. Make it brief, but be clear with exactly what you want the reader to do and how he will benefit by taking action.
– Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance
11. Use Your Clients’ Words
Ditch the industry jargon, and write from your ideal client’s point of view. A simple way to do this is to interview your clients about their struggles, concerns and questions as they relate to your business. Note the exact words/phrases they use and incorporate them into your copy.