A huge part of being a digital marketer is staying abreast of new technologies and platforms where your audience might be found. Two of the newest social media platforms to hit the masses are SocialCam and Viddy, described by Ad Age as “Instagram for videos.” Currently, neither platforms are not charging for video uploads, which has made it a virtual playground for brands to try out new social content. Sierra Mist, for example, is in the process of uploading a 14 video series featuring chef Aaron Sanchez. It is incorporating Facebook by uploading the lengthier recipe booklet there.
Here are a few differences between Viddy and SocialCam:
1. Viddy limits videos to 15 seconds, while SocialCam has no limit.
2. SocialCam has 50 million active users and Viddy has 36 million.
3. Both social platforms automatically opt you in to share videos, comments and likes on your Facebook Timeline, but only Viddy makes you aware of this with a welcome bubble. SocialCam automatically opts you into sharing social content, but does not make you aware of it (you watch a video, it automatically goes in your Timeline). You can turn this social sharing function off, but you have to do it through your settings. Additionally, SocialCam allows you to choose what you share in Facebook (videos watched or just comments and likes on videos), whereas Viddy allows you to share all or nothing.
So why use SocialCam or Viddy instead of or in addition to YouTube? It seems many people are uploading YouTube videos to SocialCam and sharing them automatically that way. It’s simply an additional platform. The fact that sharing to Facebook is automatic (since many people aren’t aware they can opt out or simply don’t care to) also increases the likelihood of a video going viral. And since brands are currently not being charged for essentially free advertising, many are jumping on board.