sm advocacy Social Media Friends: 50 Tips to Rock Social Love & AdvocacyYou know the old saying “be a friend, to get a friend.” Social media creates amazing opportunities to connect with real people. It doesn’t have to be a fake world as some assume. I have personally met people on the social streams who I am now tightly partnered with based on life changing relationships.

It is true that social media is about the people. It is something that I have preached since the minute I hopped on Twitter. However, you can’t just say it’s about the people and do nothing about it. Many people think if they just sit all day on Twitter and Facebook and talk to the “people” about “whatever” that it will bring result.

For real results both personally and professionally, you need some skin in the game. This includes having a plan, objectives, understanding your audience etc.

So assuming, you have done these things then you are ready to, well, GET SOCIAL!

It’s more important what you do for others than what you do for yourself. It may seem easy and be easy to blast coupons all day. However, chances are it’s not going to make you a lot of friends nor is it going to generate many sales.

Check out these 50 Tips to Show the Social Love and be a good friend! I wrote them in a way that I am speaking directly to you, telling you what I need, expect and want from you. Of course you don’t have to deliver it. What you do and don’t do is clearly up to you!

50 Tips to Show the Social Love and be a Good Social Friend

1. Show me your real face! No hiding behind that avatar. I don’t have any friends in real life that are one dimensional, with no eyes or mouth.

2. Listen first, then talk.

3. Speak when spoken to. Don’t ignore me, please.

4. Acknowledge I exist.

5. Acknowledge I am human, not an avatar or logo.

6. Relationships take time. I am not ready for a date night when we just met.

7. Show me the real you. There is only one you. Be that person.

8. Don’t take the fact I trusted you as a connection or friend on a social network for granted. Real friendships are based on trust and integrity.

9. Don’t spam all of my LinkedIn contacts when I trust you and connect with you.

10. If I give you my business card in real life please don’t auto opt me into your spammy enewsletter or start spamming me on LinkedIn or Facebook.

11. Don’t copy me on a Facebook message with 300 other people to invite me to your event, please.

12. Tag me in Facebook or Google+ photos where we both look good please, not just you! icon wink Social Media Friends: 50 Tips to Rock Social Love & Advocacy

13. Don’t spam my Facebook wall with your business page.

14. Don’t ask my Facebook friends or “likers” on my business page to like your Facebook page. We all need likes. Give us a reason and we just might stop by to say hi.

15. Think more about me and my needs than you and your needs.

16. Get in my head. What do I want to accomplish? How can you help me meet my business goals and objectives?

17. Be sunshine on a rainy day once in awhile. How can you make me smile and remind me there are good people in the world?

18. If you like a blog post I write, share it with your friends.

19. If you really like a blog post I write then feel free to Google+ 1 it, Stumble it, Digg it, pin it on Pinterest and of course share it with your Facebook friends.

20. Respond to my question or comment when I post on your wall or profile.

21. Introduce me to your other online friends who you think we could do go good work together.

22. Join me on a Twitter chat such as #GetRealChat that I host.

23. If I make you laugh,tell me.

24. If I made your day, tell me. It might just make mine for the simple fact that I made yours.

25. If you like my tweet, well then by all means retweet it and tell your friends about it.

26. Give me credit for my work.

27. If you love a blog post, leave a comment.

28. If you disagree with me, leave a comment or let me know. I have some amazing friends and colleagues whom I have met online via a conversation that started with a debate on a topic we were both passionate about.

29. Don’t join my private Facebook group and then spam all of us.

30. Show advocacy for my friends and contacts as you come in contact with them. Don’t just look at them as another sales target.

31. Come over to my place sometimes. I’d love a visit from you on my Facebook wall, business page or Google+ page.

32. If I have done something good for you and helped you grow your business, then share such with your friends who mention they need the same services I offer.

33. If we are connected and in the same tribe via Triberr then give me some Triberr love in the form of tweets, bookmarking, Karma love etc.

34. LinkedIn recommendations are always warm and welcome when I’ve earned them.

35. Read the article associated with a tweet before you blast me and the writer about how wrong it is.

36. Read blogs and other content to understand not just leave a comment and brag about yourself.

37. If you have a funny joke don’t be afraid to tell me.

38. If you don’t understand something I say, write or do, then ask. I won’t know unless you tell me.

39. If you like me, my personal blog and what I do for you then check out my full service social brand, digital marketing & reputation management agency, ZoomFactor too. We might be able to help you even further.

40. Don’t spam me in my Twitter direct message box.

41. Don’t give to get.

42. If you come on my TweetChat #GetRealChat don’t bash the guest about your bad service you had a year ago. Not the time and place.

43. Share your best stuff with me for free. Don’t always require me to opt-in or be afraid I’ll steal it. I might just tell my friends about it too.

44. Subscribe to my RSS feeds and you’ll get blog updates daily.

45. Subscribe to our email communication and newsletters and you’ll get even more cool stuff.

46. Subscribe to my YouTube channel as well as ZoomFactor, our agency channel. Hey, you can even watch a video while you’re there!

47. Want my friendship as much as you want my business.

48. Each day set aside time to engage and show your friends the social love. Hopefully that includes me? icon wink Social Media Friends: 50 Tips to Rock Social Love & Advocacy

49. Have fun. Don’t take social business, social media, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter too seriously.

50. Acknowledge I might do things different than you. The only way to do social media is the way that works for you and your business. Respect our differences and we’ll be just fine!

Bonus Tip: When all else fails… send me dark chocolate please.

Your Turn

Are you a good friend to your online connections? What do you do to show people you appreciate them? What are the best ways for others to show you they appreciate you?

Heartbeat of Social Media Series

iStock 000014976597XSmall 300x199 Social Media Friends: 50 Tips to Rock Social Love & AdvocacyThis blog post is part of a new series titled “The Heartbeat of Social Media“. It will include a deep look at how communities work, what people are doing within them and how businesses can better understand how they can fit in, provide value and derive benefit as both a business as well as individual people.

Subscribe to the series for updates and access to special videos, webinar training and more. Would love to hear your input and have you participate in discussions and debates as we challenge each other to be part of what makes the social network heartbeat healthy and alive in 2012!

I’ll be hosting a free “Facebook for Business” as well as “Rock Your Blog” webinar with focus on social media optimization which will deep dive into some of the topics discussed in this post. Subscribe to the series for updates and early invitations.