Why is this important for you to know early on?
Well, every single time I mentioned to certain marketers that there is a way to tap into 22,700,000 users; their first thought would be to start “spamming” every user. Well, not only will it destroy your chances to attract massive cash for your business, it will also make your MeetUp account get shut down for good.
This is the reason WHY I have decided to include this chapter on this book. This allows you to understand the power of Meetup and how you can avoid the disaster many marketers do to ruin their chances on building their business with Meetup. Let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do with Meetup…
Mistake #1: Entering the Meetup world just because everyone is utilizing Meetup. — It is similar to trying to get a diamond in the desert which is a waste of time. Though Meetup.com has 22.7 million users, it doesn’t mean you should just try your best to get a piece of the pie. Worse, if you are not careful, you will receive a lot of backslash which will ruin your chances to build the “right” audiences for your business.
Mistake #2: Not doing enough research. — Who is your target market? Are You Working on Free or Paid Events? What is your method on attracting Meetup Followers? You MUST have these benchmarks before you build your business with Meetup.
Mistake #3: Target everyone on Meetup. — Assumption is a disastrous strategy to build a successful business with Meetup. If you want to build your business, you can’t just assume everyone needs to lose weight, make money, and have a low self-esteem. It is similar with doing cold calling. Does cold calling work? Absolutely not.
Mistake #4: Focus on Getting Everyone to Follow You on Meetup. — This is a big mistake. Why? It is because NOT everyone will be interested in what you have to say. My point is you have to be picky on the type of audiences you would like to attract in your business.
Remember: Like attracts like. If you want to build potential clients, you need to “filter” out freebie seekers for your business.
Mistake #5: Focus on Selling To Your Audience, Instead of Giving Them The Reasons Why. — If you try to sell your audience, they will not buy from you. You need to always remember that in everything you do especially with Meetup to always focus on the reasons why. It also means that the more reasons you give them, the higher your chances to get people to attend each event you hold.
Mistake #6: Holding An Event Just Because Other Meetup Organizer Are Doing The Same Thing. — There is a saying that the insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Do you think it will work in your favor? Absolutely not.
My point is… You need to have the strategy in place before you even post the date of the event you are going to hold with Meetup. This allows you to receive few benefits:
- A higher than usual satisfaction for each Meetup members who attend your event.
- It helps Meetup followers to anticipate your future events. — This allows you to get the word out.
- Help you restructure your future event. — Remember: The more you improve each future event you hold, the higher your chances to get more followers to attend.
Mistake #7: Refusing to Take Feedbacks from Meetup Members. — I’ve been to many Meetup events. Each time I head to the Meetup events, the organizers do not make an effort to get to know each member.
Some organizers were even rude to the members. When one of the Meetup members suggested we do certain activities, they refuse. They will give them the reasons why it will not work and how they will end up spending too much time if they were to fulfill their request. Well, this is a big mistake.
What I am trying to say is… “Listen carefully. Speak less. Work on incorporating the ideas of Meetup Members to your next event”. That’s how you grow the number of attendees for your next event.
As you understand the major mistakes I mentioned above, you should realize that the “short cut” the majority of the marketers use will lead into a huge nightmare in the long run for sure. So, it is very CRITICAL for you to understand Meetup Marketing 2.0 in great details. If necessary, read this chapter one more time.
This way, you will avoid a major catastrophe in your business while attracting massive cash to your business.