Company: Enso Rings
Founders: Brighton Jones and Aaron Daly
Season: Appeared on season 9 in the week 2 episode
Key Takeaways
- Product Innovation: Enso Rings provides flexible, durable silicone rings as alternatives to traditional metal rings, ideal for active lifestyles.
- Sales Success: After “Shark Tank,” Enso Rings saw a surge, reaching over 60,000 orders and $2 million in sales.
- Shark Tank Deal: Founders secured a $500,000 investment for 15% equity from Robert Herjavec after multiple offers and counteroffers.
- Market Impact: Enso Rings became an international phenomenon, featured in major media outlets and expanding rapidly.
- Future Plans: The company plans new designs and collaborations, continuing to lead in the emerging silicone ring market.
Enso Rings are a unique alternative to traditional metal rings. Due to their flexible and durable design, the silicone wedding and engagement rings are perfect for those who lead an active lifestyle. They are available in a variety of designs and colors.
According to their website, the “luxury look is created with a new, patent-pending copper-infused design that’s breathable and more comfortable. Unlike traditional metal wedding rings, Enso Rings are made to be worn in circumstances where you normally take off your wedding band.” There are several collections, including infinity and stackables, and rings range in price from $11.99 to $39.99.
When Jones and Daly originally appeared on “Shark Tank,” they came in asking for $500,000 for seven-and-a-half percent equity.
Many of the sharks worried that people wouldn’t actually use the rings, while Mark Cuban viewed them as more of a marketing company. He went out, followed by Lori Greiner and Barbara Corcoran.
The duo received offers from Robert Herjavec and Kevin O’Leary, but ultimately accepted a deal with Herjavec for $500,000 for 15 percent after counteroffers were exchanged.
Jones spoke with Business 2 Community about Enso Rings’ experience on the show and what their next steps are. Take a look at the Q&A below:
Q&A with Enso Rings’ Co-Founder Brighton Jones
What was your strategy for navigating “Shark Tank”?
We were excited to share Enso’s amazing story: life-changing rings and the mission to be a force for good. We hoped it would generate enough interest to have multiple sharks vying for the deal. Spoiler alert! It worked!
How has Enso Rings changed since the episode was first recorded? Since it aired?
After airing, we’ve had a really hard time keeping rings in stock! Over 60,000 orders and $2 million in sales. It’s also attracted a lot of attention from investors and the media. We’ve been featured on Forbes, ABC, Cheddar, Associated Press, Washington Post and many more. Needless to say, the Enso family is growing quickly to help support this whirlwind of crazy, fun and silicone rings!
Is there anything you would have changed about your time spent in the tank, including your pitch and valuation?
Wouldn’t change a thing! It was a wonderful experience. We wanted to give them an amazing pitch with an amazing business opportunity…we did that! We were sensible with our valuation and it paid off.
Who’s your favorite shark?
Robert of course ;-) But all the sharks are great.
Do you think “Shark Tank” was the right move for your business?
Absolutely. Enso has become an international phenomenon in over 78 countries! The exposure has been incredible.
What are Enso Rings’ next steps?
We have some amazing new rings slated for 2018 and some incredible collaborations in the works with our Rings For A Reason Program! Stay tuned for some really exciting releases in the near future.
Where do you see this industry in 5-10 years?
Enso will continue to lead the way in this emerging category with new concepts, designs and products! Enso is truly becoming a disruption in the jewelry industry. Enso Rings are now available in 50+ unique styles and colors to accessorize with any outfit and any occasion.
What would you say to people who want to start their own business?
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you’ve imagined!” (Thoreau) Don’t be afraid to dream big! And when the chips are down, keep casting nets…you never know what the tide might bring in tomorrow. In my experience, the biggest breakthroughs have always come in the 11th hour.
What advice would you give to entrepreneurs who want to make it on “Shark Tank”?
The more validation you can demonstrate through sales and customer acquisition, the stronger your position becomes. If you get rejected on your first audition, don’t give up! We were rejected three times before we finally made it on the show!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Enso Rings are the most stylish, safe alternative to metal rings and wedding bands. They’re ultra comfortable, fashionable and affordable. Perfect for the gym, your job and everything in between. Available in 50+ unique styles and colors to accessorize with any outfit and any occasion. They’re the go-to gift to add color, style and comfortability to all types of wardrobes and looks.
Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and length
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