Pinterest on Tuesday launched a new analytics dashboard that gives business users more insight into their Pinterest account. The dashboard is meant to showcase how users are engaging with the content businesses pin to their various boards.

The Pinterest analytics platform was designed to provide a quick view of a brands overall reach. Users can view the number of impressions and views their content got on the platform, as well as how those numbers have trended over time.

The dashboard also showcases which Pins are interacted with the most, and how users interact with those pins. The Pinterest analytics dashboard also tracks impressions, clicks, repins, and likes for each piece of content. Pinterest also shows if users are interacting with a Rich Pin or a Promoted Pin.

Pinterest also added a feature that shows how a piece of content made its way onto Pinterest, for example through use of a Pin It button on a third party website.

The idea behind the Pinterest analytics dashboard is simple, to create an eco-system that allows businesses to determine what type of content is working for their brands, and why.

In what might be the best feature of the analytics dashboard, Pinterest also shares demographics and common interest data. As a marketer I find the most value in this part of the program, because it allows for audience segmentation targeting, and provides valuable insight alongside all of the other sharing data that is now being provided to Pinterest business users.

Here’s a quick look at the Pinterest analytics dashboard:


As you can see, the Pinterest dashboard is simple to read and offers very quick and useful insights for all of your pinned content.