Hershey has a new logo and it looks almost identical to the internet’s poo emoji. The company announced the new logo on Thursday morning, and by the afternoon, the internet was having a good LOL session at Hersey’s expense.

While the new Hershey logo was designed to keep a similar look to the company’s original design, it is just one blinking set of eyes and a face away from matching the now famous poo emoji.

@TheLogoFactory was one of the first to point out the steaming pile of coincidence:

And then the jokes kept on coming:

It was Kira Bindrim, the managing editor at Newsweek, who finally created the Hershey logo we were all thinking about:

The new logo was designed by Hershey Global Design, led by Ron Burrage, senior director global head of design. The goDutch  was designed by Alexander Design Associates.

The management team at Hershey’s has not yet responded to requests for a comment. But honestly, how do you even respond to this type of social media trend?

In case you haven’t had the joy of seeing the original:

So what do you think, does the new Hershey logo give a nice shout out to the poo emoji?