Baby videos and cat videos are sure-shot prone to go viral on digital. Remember the Evian babies or the Kit-Kat babies video that quickly went viral? And, if there is a message attached in there, it is sure to go viral too. A brand has blended the two to create an animated baby video to spread the benefits of breastfeeding.
In recognition of World Breastfeeding Week – an annual celebration which is being held every year from 1 to 7 August in more than 120 countries to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, Nestle India has launched a video campaign featuring animated babies called ‘Superbaby’. Nourished with the multiple benefits of mother’s milk, these animated superbabies – Master B.I.G, Lil Wiz, Germstoppa, Baby Luv – rock and roll in their diapers, while they rap on about the benefits of breastfeeding.
Conceptualized by McCann, the digital campaign seeks to create awareness on the benefits of breastfeeding, through the perspective of babies. Though I would have loved to see real babies being animated through software like in the Evian and Kit-Kat videos, this one is also adorable, especially when they make those popular dance moves!
The 2 minute video titled ‘Superbaby’ Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy breastfeeding week 2014, has already managed to garner more than 1.6 million views, since being uploaded on the 31st of July 2014. The video provides a link to the brand’s signature community site ‘Start Healthy Stay Healthy, while the babies ask you to share and like the video.
The site was conceived as the first 1000 days from a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s 2nd birthday being the most crucial period in a baby’s life, mothers needed to be educated about the right nutrition and care. Nestlé Start Healthy Stay Healthy has partnered with doctors to educate mothers on the importance of these first 1000 days in order to nurture a healthier generation.
The idea of the community is to create awareness and educate mothers about right nutrition during this crucial period, which can have a direct impact on a child’s mental as well as physical ability to learn and grow.
The site features the Superbaby video and provides further information on each of the animated babies, while displaying share buttons for Facebook, Twitter and Google+. There is Master B.I.G who talks about how mother’s milk will help him reach his optimum weight and length; there is Lil Wiz who talks about brain and vision development; Germstoppa talks about her immunity gained from mother’s milk and Baby Luv who talks about the strong bonding between mother and baby developed through breastfeeding.
Strengthening the awareness further and driving views to the site, the latest music video aligns well with the ‘Start Healthy Stay Healthy’ brand vision. Hope you have shared it?