In a youtube video called 5 Common Mistakes in SEO, Maile Ohye of Google Said, “The Advantage of having a Agile SEO cycle is quite clear.” “Aim to be agile.” She summed up the reason for having an agile SEO cycle by quoting something she said was often quoted at Google, “The only constant thing about SEO is that it is not constant.” Well, if Google is telling SEO professionals and digital marketers to be agile, shouldn’t we listen, and do exactly that? So, in the next 5 minutes I’m going to teach you The Agile SEO Cycle called DASEMRA.
What is Agile SEO?
Agile SEO is the process of performing SEO that is quick, effective, and accounts for the constant change in SEO.
How Do I Perform Agile SEO?
The easiest way to learn and perform The Agile SEO Cycle is to learn DASEMRA (Pronounced da-sem-ra). DASEMRA stands fro Discover, Analyze, Strategize, Execute, Measure, Report, Adjust. Like every agile cycle you want to continuously repeat the cycle.
1. Discover
Determine the site’s purpose.Identify conversion points, events, and metrics that your client will define as success. Remember, each client is different. For example the goal of a blog may be to get more traffic; where as the goal for a graphic t-shirt company would be to get more sales.
2. Analyze
Review the entire site inside and out. Perform manual and automated SEO audits. Look thoroughly at the site’s analytics and other installed analytic software. In other words, get to know the site.
3. Strategize
Create your short and long term SEO plan. Determine what needs to be done to the site and landing pages to better optimize them? Determine how you’re going to grow the site’s authority. Identify how you are going to earn links and shares. Make checklists for every single detail you plan on executing. Also, create content calendars and plan out your topics.
4. Execute
Begin performing SEO, using the strategy laid out in step 3. Follow the strategy and use the checklists so nothing slips through the cracks.
5. Measure
Understand the impact of your SEO campaign, and most importantly look for value. Never underestimate the value of any seemingly “small” metric. Something small to you could mean the world to your client. So measure everything.
6. Report
Communicate the impact of the SEO campaign to your client in a simple but effective manner. Most importantly, don’t forget to communicate the value you found in the previous step. Make the client remember why they pay you.
7. Adjust
Remember, Google says, “The only constant thing about SEO is that it is not constant.” So, identify the weaknesses of your campaign and make strategic adjustments to improve them. Also, identify the successes of your SEO campaign and build on them.
Repeat the Cycle
DASEMRA: The Agile SEO Cycle (on Slideshare)