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It seems like such a short time ago, that changes in the Google algorithms could send a company that relies on search engine optimization (SEO) to help market its products into a frenzy. Having the right keywords, placed carefully in web pages, was the key and aim of everyone looking to get on the first page of a Google keyword search. This effort even helped to create a new business niche, where firms were created for the sole purpose of optimizing websites for clients to get them a higher Google ranking.

But my, how fast things have changed in just the past few years. Social media has become just as, if not more important to businesses than SEO, and it can have a positive, or a negative effect on how a web page is ranked on Google. Here are some things you need to know to better balance marketing between these two key factors.

Statistics That Will Surprise You

According to a study done by Experian, over 26% of the internet time used in America today is used in surfing social media sites such as Twitter, and Facebook. The study also revealed the surprising fact that social media produces almost twice the marketing leads that trade shows, direct mail, email campaigns, and telemarketing do combined. It is also very useful to note that up to 45% of online shoppers make use of social media when making that all-important purchase decision on goods and services.

This by no means implies that use of SEO is dead in the water. Google still makes use of SEO in their search engine algorithms, and that is very unlikely to change anytime soon. What it does mean for the forward-looking business man or woman, is that in order to get more traffic to your website, the importance of social media is not to be overlooked.

In the quest to drive more traffic to a company website, using only SEO is not going to get the job done the right way. In order to compete in a successful manner, in a global and growing marketplace, a strategy that is well thought out and comprehensive in nature is needed. A strong social media presence is needed, along with a modern website optimized for SEO is what is required to compete.

It should also be noted that any business that has a product or service that appeals to young people, a social media presence is imperative. The social media site should have links back to the company website, and that will help to drive more traffic, and more buyers straight to you.

Be aware of the role social media plays in the lives of many of your customers, and take full advantage of this knowledge. With the power of social media, and the help of a well-written, SEO website, you stand the best chance of competing in today’s fierce, global marketplace that is the internet.