According to recent reports, 176 million people watched online videos last month, many of them on YouTube. While this number may not surprise those of you whose online activity only added to this number, for those of you who read this number as outrageous, the explanation is simple: video is engaging, encourages collaboration, and it’s far more interesting than words on a piece of paper.
However, the number above reflects mostly consumer targeted video viewed by individuals in their free time. So what about applying video to a more professional setting, specifically to the task of training? Using visual learning to promote a company’s mission, values, products and overall operations can have a huge impact on information retention.
If you are a part of an organization that hasn’t fully acknowledged the importance and power that video can add to your training efforts, you can take advantage of this technology to increase the effectiveness of these programs. Below, I’ve outlined specific aspects that support why video can be more useful and impactful than methods traditionally used to train employees.
Video is a Visual Medium
What’s more interesting to you, reading through a 100-page employee manual or watching a video that addresses the same information? Additionally, which tactic is going to quickly and efficiently get you to the “big picture”? One that provides page upon page of information that you just need to get through or one that can visually and creatively provide you with concrete examples of procedures and operations?
Video allows us to show our viewers how to do something and how things work. When you are limited to written text, it is harder to provide visual examples and there is more room for misinterpretation.
Recently, the head of sales training for a large manufacturing company has the task of providing team members with new maintenance procedures. With the array of video technologies available, it wouldn’t have been wise for him to have simply provided employees with written manuals and how-to guides. Instead, he provided video with all of the information around the new procedures while demonstrating the new maintenance application. He also linked supporting documents to the video as reference material. Video had a greater impact on employees in learning and retaining this important information.
Video is On-demand
Most large companies have workers spread out all over the world and it’s often difficult to update every member of the team at the same time. What’s the solution? Are you going to go the traditional route and send out an email and hope it is read by everyone and is effective?
While an email might help you accomplish your end goal, distributing an on-demand video will prove more beneficial. On-demand video is available wherever, whenever, just like an email would be, but video adds a personal touch that can help employees feel more comfortable about the message. Multi-language closed captions can also be added for your non-English speaking team members. With video, everyone wins, especially those who are time zones away.
Video is Searchable
Ever go through a new employee manual and lose your page? Or, ever need an answer to something and can’t determine what keyword will give you the best search results? If you’ve encountered either of these issues, you’ve probably wondered why training hasn’t caught up to 21st century technology.
Reviewing, searching, and re-learning doesn’t have to be so difficult. If you want to see an increase in efficiency, use video in your training programs. Several video platforms enable users to search by keyword or topic in order to view the specific clip that they are seeking. Users will instantly know if they found the materials that they are seeking. This saves team members time and effort, while encouraging them to revisit important material whenever they need a refresher.
Video is Secure
What about security? Believe it or not, your online videos can be just as secure, if not more secure, than internal, hard documents. Some video platforms available will allow you to place administrative controls on each video clip and set unique passwords that viewers must enter before they are allowed access. If you aren’t too concerned with security, but are genuinely interested in who is watching your videos, these video platforms will allow you to track your viewer metrics.
With video, your training programs can be more effective for your company and your employees. Video provides an opportunity to give everyone the ability to learn and revisit important materials, increasing their ability to perform their job. When viewed in this light, there’s absolutely no reason why video shouldn’t be a part of your training efforts. So, start recording today.
What do you think? What are some other reasons why video is important in the training process?