Yes, it is still possible to have successful outbound sales calls.
Saying the right things on an outbound sales call may seem like moving pieces on a chess board. However, you can keep leads engaged and close more deals by learning and applying a handful of rules.
Let’s go over some of the basics involved in outbound sales calls and provide you with 10 ways to make your calls more successful, along with some essential components you need to add to your sales call scripts.
What Are Outbound Sales Calls?
Outbound sales calls, which are often cold calls, are calls that are initiated by a salesperson to a customer without prior engagement. The dialer may research the recipient before calling prospects, but generally an outbound call is the very first time a salesperson and a prospect have been in touch.
Outbound calls often get a bad rap, but they do have a few advantages that can prove beneficial for your sales team and your business.
Some of these advantages of outbound sales calls include the following:
- They generate leads fast.
- They help you to qualify leads.
- They’re easy to measure and test.
- They give your salespeople the opportunity to connect on a human level every time.
- They can help you to improve your brand awareness.
Outbound Sales Calls vs. Inbound Sales Calls
There are always debates surrounding inbound and outbound marketing and selling methods. So, what about outbound and inbound sales calls?
Let’s see what their similarities and differences are.
- Outbound sales calls are made using a predetermined list of prospects that is compiled using market research and buyer personas. Inbound calls are made to individual who has interacted with your website or business in some way.
- Outbound sales calls focus on informing prospects about your company’s products, services, and promotions. Inbound call recipients or callers already have some knowledge surrounding your business or products. Salespeople who apply the inbound calling method focus on providing prospects value so they can nurture them until they purchase.
- Inbound sales calls have two types, hot calling and warm calling. Hot calling is when a prospect calls your business, and warm calling is when you contact a prospect who has downloaded content or signed up for your email list. Outbound calling is often just cold calling or warm calling.
Inbound and outbound calls have the same end goal – to set up a sales meeting and to close deals. To nail your next sales call and set up a meeting with qualified opportunities, adopt some tips and best practices.
10 Outbound Sales Call Tips
Here are 10 outbound sales call tips that can boost the effectiveness of your sales calls while building rapport with your prospects.
1. Stay Structured With a Script.
Save time by making sure to use a script as a reference during your call. Using a call script makes it easier for you to lead the conversation and to get through all of your talking points in a timely manner.
2. Use Research to Guide Your Call.
Researching your prospect before you call gives you access to some talking points that can truly grasp their attention and create instant connections.
By finding key information about them, you can show your prospect you made an extra effort to personalize the conversation. Additionally, you can lead the call by delivering value that is relevant to their pain points.
3. Keep Details Relevant to Your Prospect.
It may be exciting to tell your prospect about every feature and detail of your products, but this may overwhelm them. Keep your phone call relevant to what they need to alleviate their pain points, address their wants, and pique their interest.
4. Be Prepared for Common Objections.
Objections should not automatically shut down the phone call. You can prepare by anticipating common objections and develop responses for them.
Think about ways to counteract the most frequent objections you hear and then rehearse them with a team member.
5. Use Prospects’ Names.
People like to hear the sound of their own names. This is why you should use it on sales calls to establish a more personal connection with your prospect.
Try linking your prospect’s name with your product or service. For instance, you can say, “Becky, do you imagine yourself using this subscription to gain X benefits?”
Be careful not to use the person’s name too often because this may come off as suspicious and manipulative.
6. Keep a Natural Tone.
When you are talking to a prospect for the first time, you want them to start trusting you. Disguising your voice or speaking in a lower or higher pitch than usual may turn your prospect off, causing them to instantly mistrust you.
People typically respond well to mirroring, so try to match their speech patterns and tone of voice. If you are unable to master this, keep your tone of voice natural and unwavering.
7. Use Social Proof to Influence Behavior.
Social proof goes a long way with prospects. Let them know how your product can help them by outlining how it helped others like them.
Provide them with statistics and use case scenarios that are similar to theirs to show that your product or service can work for them in the same way. Offer to send content that also displays this information so they can see it for themselves.
8. Talk About Them, Not About You.
Your aim should be to engage your prospects during outbound calls. The best way to do this is to ask them value based questions and then to provide value based answers that are centered on the prospect.
Keeping the focus on your prospect is beneficial for both parties. They get to talk about themselves, and you can gain their attention in an interesting and meaningful way.
9. Keep It Positive.
Don’t focus too much on their problems. Instead, focus on the solution and how your product will make a positive impact on their lives.
Positivity during a call will provide you with a more favorable response than negativity.
10. Leave a Voicemail If They Don’t Answer.
Most people won’t answer the phone the first time you call. Make sure to leave a voicemail so they know who you are, what you want, and where they can reach you.
They may call back and engage in a conversation with you, or it may make them more willing to answer your call the next time you follow up.
Don’t worry about the reply. Continue to focus on fostering trust with the prospect.
8 Essentials for Outbound Sales Call Scripts and Frameworks
Every call should have specific components to ensure all outbound calls run as smoothly as possible. Here are eight components you should include in your call scripts and frameworks:
Proper Introductions
Introductions let your listener know who you are and why you are calling. A proper introduction should only be a few seconds. Some aspects to include in an effective introduction are:
- Your name and company name.
- A consideration for their time (e.g., “Do you have a moment to talk?”).
- The reason for your call.
Avoid a robotic introduction. Instead, make the introduction friendly and conversational.
Rapport Building Statements
Your sales team should aim to make a great impression on your prospect and leads. The best way to do this is to develop a bond using rapport building statements.
Some ways to build rapport include:
- Mentioning a mutual connection or prior meeting.
- Showing an understanding of the prospect’s pain points.
- Finding a common interest to open the conversation up.
People want to buy from people they feel comfortable talking to, and rapport building statements may help your prospects feel more comfortable.
Value Building Statements
The prospect needs to see value in your product offerings in order to be interested in listening to your pitch about how your product or service will help them to overcome an issue they are facing.
This means that salespeople must talk about the specific features and benefits a product or service provides to each prospect. And they need to position the product or service as the best solution for the problem.
Value building statements should be flexible so sales reps can tailor them to different prospects.
Questions That Get the Prospect Talking
Open-ended questions encourage the prospect to open up about their pain points and their wants and needs.
Some questions to include on a sales script include the following:
- What does your typical day look like at work?
- What aspects are preventing you from achieving your goals at work?
- What hangups do you have about this product or service?
Asking these questions or questions similar to these should help sales reps to find out which benefits of the product or service they are offering entice the prospect to make a purchase.
Statements That Establish Credibility
You need to establish credibility to let prospects know that you are worth listening to. Your sales team can boost their credibility by:
- Mentioning good results you’ve had in the past.
- Discussing successful use cases with major or well-known businesses.
- Using your expertise and confidence to guide the conversation and demonstrate your knowledge.
Objection Handling Statements
Standard objection handling statements can equip your sales reps with what they need to save a sale.
Prepare effective responses to all common customer objections and include these in your script so your sales reps can be prepared to handle various objections as soon as a prospect mentions them.
Questions That Ask for the Sale
Never assume that your prospect does or does not want to purchase your product. Ask for the sale. Let the prospect offer you a confirmation of their interest, or a rejection of your offering.
Wrap-Up Statement
If a sales rep is able to set up a later time to talk to the prospect in depth about the product offering, they should conclude the call with a wrap-up statement. This statement could be a confirmation of their next meeting and an expression of gratitude.
Sales reps can also offer their direct contact information to a prospect in case they need to ask questions or reach out before the next meeting.
5 Outbound Sales Call Examples and Templates
Access your sales call script templates and get started with developing your sales prospecting strategy.
These sales call templates and examples walk you through the following situations:
1. Name Drop a Mutual Contact.
This template focuses on creating an instant connection by mentioning a mutual contact. This helps to warm up the call and generate a sense of familiarity.
The goal of this template is to name drop without making it weird. To do this, you should casually mention the mutual contact in the beginning of your call.
Keep in mind that using the name dropping script isn’t always the best idea if you haven’t helped a client or mutual friend at all.
2. Bypass the Gatekeeper.
A gatekeeper is someone that isn’t the ultimate decision maker when it comes to a purchase.
They are the ones who decide whether or not to pass along information to the decision maker. They may give cold responses and cut to the chase by asking you what your call is about before you can make it through your introduction.
The goal of this template is to build rapport with this person and get them to like you so they’ll pass you along to the decision maker. The idea is to treat the gatekeeper like a person instead of an obstacle.
3. Discover Pain Points.
This template is designed for sales reps who are making their first contact with a prospect. This type of call is also known as a sales connect call. It focuses on gathering information so you can learn more about how you can help this person.
This script helps you to connect with the prospect by asking open-ended questions. You can use the answers they give to follow up later on. If your initial questions get the prospect to open up, you can dig deeper and ask more thorough and specific questions.
4. Book an Appointment.
This script is perfect for reaching out to leads that have already indicated their interest or need for your product. Focus on basing your call around information and clues you’ve gathered before the first call.
For instance, you may notice that your prospect has just finished up with a round of funding. Using this information, you may assume that they need a specific solution that streamlines their work.
This script is short, and it requires reps to ask for the appointment within the first minute or so. The key with this script is to present a solution that entices the listener enough so that they want to take the next step to learn more.
5. Leave a Voicemail That Gets a Response.
Voicemails should be short. This script focuses on leaving a voicemail that is 30 seconds or under that gets straight to the point.
Even though the voicemail should be short, you should still focus on providing value by telling the listener what you can do for them or demonstrating an understanding of their pain points.
These scripts are essential for your outbound calling strategy. Download these templates today to start making more effective outbound calls that earn you more customers.
These outbound sales call tips and script examples enable you to refine your sales prospecting approach so you can close more deals and build lasting relationships with your clients.
Buyers are hard to convince in a competitive landscape, but you can ensure better outcomes when you understand your customers, assess their pain points, and offer them solutions that work over the phone.