Suzie of AceConcierge

In this Small Business Success Podcast I had the pleasure of talking with Suzie Poirier of AceConcierge about some of the challenges small business owners face today with task overload and time management.

Suzie says we need to empower our Core Genius and spend less time on working in our business instead of on our business.

You can find out more by listening to the Small Business Success Podcast below.

With 30 years of experience as a key support for her clients, her top priority has always been to facilitate the most effective strategies for time management and delegation creating the realization that even though her clients CAN do it all, it doesn’t mean they should.

In this Small Business Success Podcast we talk about:

  1. What exactly is a Core Genius
  2. How business owners identify what they need to delegate and on what areas they need to focus
  3. Some of the common road blocks people have to bringing on a virtual assistant
  4. What some of the common areas business owners commonly spend too much time working on instead of focusing on their Core Genius
  5. The top 3 things business owners should delegate
  6. One small, key, strategy a business owner can do today to make their life easier.

Click the link below to listen to the Small Business Success Podcast with AceConcierge:

**Small Business Success Podcast – Suzie Poirier of AceConcierge**

You can learn more about Suzie by:

    • Reading her productivity enhancing blog at