Online surveys are a great way to engage your audience and get feedback from them. You can use online surveys in any number of ways, including using them to:

  • Find out what topics your readers want to learn more about
  • Get product feedback
  • Conduct market research
  • Get customer service feedback
  • Gauge employee satisfaction
  • Plus plenty of other uses!

best survey creators

Making an online survey is easy – there are many great online survey creators out there to help you craft that survey. Let’s take a look at your options!

When it comes to online survey tools, you can choose between the free or paid route. If you’re just looking to do some light audience research, you should get on just fine with the free tools available.

Usually the paid versions offer added capabilities like:

  • Survey logic. Survey logic uses information from previous answers to dictate the following questions. For example: Do you have a dog? If the user answers yes, the next question might ask what breed? If the user answers no, the breed question would be skipped.
  • Export data. Many tools won’t let you export your data unless you use the paid version.
  • Custom logo. Paid versions let you get rid of the tool’s logo and instead add your own.
  • More question types. Most free survey creators offer plenty of question options, like multiple choice radio buttons, drop downs, rating scales, etc. Usually paid versions offer even more options, like the ability to select multiple options in a dropdown, star rankings, grids, etc.

Got it? Let’s take a look at our option for survey creators.

1.    Survey Monkey

Probably the most well known name in the realm of online survey tools, Survey Monkey is an obvious contender.

survey monkey review

In the free version, you’ll get:

  • 10 questions
  • 100 respondents
  • 15 question types
  • Light theme customization and templates

The system is well designed, pretty easy to use, and you can embed surveys.

The stinker: no exporting your data. Paid versions start at $26/month, with more questions, more respondents, and other features.

survey monkey plans

2. Typeform

Typeform wins the championship belt for creative survey creation.


Typeform’s interface is elegant and its style is attractive, reflecting the company’s motto, “Asking questions should be easy, human, and beautiful.”

The free version, nicknamed the CORE plan, has a ton to offer, including:

  • Unlimited questions
  • Unlimited answers
  • Data export
  • Custom design themes or choose from templates
  • Basic reporting

These are some pretty great features to find in a free version, especially the unlimited questions and answers. While logic jumps aren’t available for CORE users, you can pipe respondent answers into the text of your survey (for example, if a user gives their name, you can call them by name in the following questions).

top online survey tools

The Pro version, for $25/month, includes payment fields, a calculator feature for scoring and pricing, options to send respondents follow-up emails, etc.

With a beautiful design and hefty capabilities even in the free version, Typeform is definitely worth checking out.

3. Google Forms

Google Forms is another feather in the cap of the wonder that is Google.

google form tools

Some awesome features of Google Forms:

  • Unlimited surveys
  • Unlimited respondents
  • Survey answers and data are automatically collected in Google Spreadsheets
  • Lots of theme options
  • Add your own custom logo
  • Add images or videos
  • Skip logic and page branching
  • Imbed survey into emails or website
  • Add collaborators
  • 100% free!

Google Forms is the only free online survey tool that provides free skip logic, which is pretty awesome. This will probably be the first pick for most.

4. Client Heartbeat [Paid Only]

Client Heartbeat is a pricier survey option starting at $25/month. Honestly though, since the basic version only allows for 50 contacts, you’ll probably want the Gold version at $57/month.

client heartbeat

That’s a pretty big price tag compared to the other survey creator tools we’ve been looking at. However, Client Heartbeat does offer some much more advanced reporting features.

You’ll get alerts to warn you of unhappy customers, see how your customer satisfaction compares against your industry benchmark, as well as a testimonial widget that can display endorsements on your website.

best online survey tools

5. Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey is another decent free survey creator offering. The free version gives you:

  • Unlimited surveys
  • 15 survey questions
  • 150 responses

You’ll get much more with the paid versions, which start at $39/month.

free online survey tools

6. Survey Gizmo

Survey Gizmo creates some snazzy looking surveys, and they’re a great choice, even with the free version, so long as you don’t plan on getting a ton of respondents.

best online survey tool creators

Survey Gizmo has a limited free version hidden towards the bottom of their pricing page. The free version offers:

  • Unlimited surveys and questions
  • 50 respondents
  • Several basic question types
  • Free templates
  • Basic reporting
  • Option to export to CSV

Paid versions start at $15/month and offer increasingly more features, like skip logic and piping, customized themes, multiple users, API, and data encryption.

survey gizmo pricin

The extra-pricey version offers integration with Salesforce, MailChimp, and other 3rd party software tools.

Consider checking out the full comparison chart between the free version vs. various paid options on Survey Gizmo to determine what plan will work best for you.

7. Survey Planet

great online survey tools

The free version of Survey Planet is pretty robust, offering:

  • Unlimited surveys
  • Unlimited questions
  • Unlimited respondents
  • Survey theme options
  • Survey embedding

The Pro version, at $15/month, offers plenty of extras. With pro you can remove Survey Planet branding, include printable survey results, and include in-question images. Biggest caveat – only Pro version can export to excel.

Which is the Best Online Survey Tool?

While the best online survey creator for you will ultimately depend on your business needs and budget, I’d recommend starting with Google Forms.

Google Forms is 100% free and offers much more than any other free survey tool.

If your emphasis is on aesthetics, I’d suggest checking out Typeform.

If you want some intense analytic action, consider Client Heartbeat.

All the online survey tools discussed above have their own advantages, so prioritize what you want in a survey tool and have at it!

Do you have any favorite online survey tools that we didn’t mention here? Share your top picks in the comments!