While interesting facts and figures over the usefulness of online video have been thrown around for years, few detailed studies have been performed to assess actual details. comScore has recently released a white paper detailing the effectiveness of online video… and the results are staggering.
Who Watches Online Video?
To help Internet marketers get a sense of how many people are accessing online video, comScore first set out to find out how many people, and in what age demographic, are using online video content on a monthly basis. The results of their study showed that more than 4 in 5 users are watching video content in a 30-day period, and the 18-24 age group had the highest concentration of users at 87%.
These numbers are phenomenal – and it only gets better:
• Nearly 100% of people aged 25-44 are Internet users;
• 30% more Americans watch online video content compared to last year;
• The average Internet user watches more than 21 hours of video per month (a 47% increase);
• People aged 18-34 are more influenced by digital media than traditional television;
• Shorter video clips are more effective than longer ones.
Videos Capture Interest
I’d say the evidence is clear. As more and more people turn to the Internet for entertainment, leisure, work and more, they’re becoming increasingly aware of Internet advertising. It isn’t just advertising, however, that is effective. Product testimonials, product reviews, social contests, sales pitches and more can all be presented in video form to capture the interest of users.
Additional Benefits
The power of a video is undisputed; but there are additional benefits to embedding video into your website, such as drastically increasing your chances of landing a first page search engine ranking. Plus, with affordable solutions like Bravo Video, BackYard and PitchEngine, there’s every reason to have video on a website.
comScore’s report has solidified what has long been suspected – that digital video is the way of the future and currently the best way to capture the attention of the masses.
What are you doing to capture the attention of your users?