Writing an About page for your website is necessary, but tough to do when it is your own business. You can be too close to it to be objective and get your message right. You can also be leaving out vital information that might be stopping people from doing business with you.
7 Things to Include in Your About Page:
- Introduce Yourself and Your Business – Customers want to know the business but also the person/people behind the business. Start with an opening paragraph that is keyword friendly (as Google may read this as your default text) that basically sums up quickly who you are and what goods and/or services you are providing.
- How Are You Better – Here customers want to know why they should choose you over the competition (without bashing the competition) so highlight your strengths and how you not only match, but exceed, the competition.
- How Long Have You Been in Business – This is important as the more years you’ve been in business, the less risky you seem. Now, if your business is fairly new, then spend some time talking about past successes you’ve had either in your career or other business ventures.
- Customer Testimonials – Visitors want to hear from people who have done business with you. Don’t just give a first name, that’s seems made up. You have to give a first and last name and a city. Not all of your customers will go for this, so give them an incentive to do so. Be sure to read my blog post, “4 Ways to Get Reviews and Testimonials for Your Business“.
- Other Testimonials – Be sure to include any press your business has received, any business awards it has won, any major sales records (10,000 copies sold to-date!), and any other milestones such as, “Voted one of the top businesses to watch in 2015 by Yahoo Business” and so forth.
- Contact Information – I actually think you should have contact information on every page on your website. You never want people to have to search for how to contact you. So give your email, a phone number (if you have one), a mailing address, a fill in contact form and even a live chat (if you can implement it on your site).
- Images – Customers want to see your personal photo (I know some people hate this, but it can be a side profile shot or action shot), as well as photos of the business, your workspace, logos of the awards you’ve won and covers of the publications you’ve appeared in.
FINAL TIP: Always write your About page in the first person. You want to be talking to your customers, not act like some distant, mysterious figure.