In this technological age, it’s more important now than ever that your business has an exceptional digital strategy to stay ahead of your competitors. While some key components go into creating a killer online strategy, most companies struggle with executing their strategy. In fact, businesses have revealed slow strategy execution to be a problem in 2019, with 70% having little confidence in solving the problem.

To help, this article will give you some pointers regarding strategy execution. Before that, we’ll talk a little about the critical components of a digital strategy and a few other steps that go into creating a fantastic online strategy.

The key components of a digital strategy

Before delving into the components of a great online strategy, let’s start off by looking at what a digital strategy entails. A digital strategy usually sits under an overarching marketing strategy that’s crafted to help either retain and attract qualified leads or achieve any other goals set forth by the company.

While companies in the past usually only had traditional marketing, digital marketing has picked up in recent years due to the advancement of technology and the internet. That’s why it may come as no surprise to hear that most people these days conduct research online before buying a product or service, which makes digital strategies crucial for brands to remain competitive in the fast-changing online environment.

Be strategic and plan

With a digital strategy, it’s essential to plan early and cater to your strategy to your intended target audience. Red Bull is an example of a company that did exactly that by designing an exceptional digital strategy. To start, they decided that they wanted to reach their target audience – millennials. To do so, they decided to craft a digital strategy that features extreme sports athletes.

After deciding on their content, they planned their digital strategy early by streaming live to subscribers and capturing their audience through social media, videos, and content that showcased the extreme sports community. By being strategic and having the right planning in place, Red Bull was able to achieve much success with their campaign.

The importance of customer experience

How does customer experience fit into a digital strategy? Simply put, it’s about keeping your customers happy and ensuring that they have the best experience possible by designing a customer experience strategy and incorporating that into your digital strategy. This can be achieved by understanding the customer journey and what your customers require.

There are a few things to take note of when incorporating your customer experience strategy. You can start by planning the customer experience vision you’d like to achieve. After that, it’s about working on a framework that can help your company systematically accomplish that vision and exceed customer expectations.

Execution is crucial

One of the hardest parts of a great digital strategy is its execution. While plenty of amazing digital strategies are created, not many of them are executed successfully. It’s not easy to implement something new when organizations are too busy focusing on their current patterns of work and aren’t too keen on change.

To be successful, it’s important to both build plans and manage the execution in tandem. These two things aren’t independent of each other and should be executed together. It’s also crucial that the strategy is broken up into bite-sized goals that are relevant and actionable in the short-term. That way, changes can occur, and your digital strategy will remain applicable to individuals in the business.

To sum up

In this technological age, all businesses must have a digital strategy in place. With a killer online strategy, you’ll be able to reach your intended target audience and provide them with the information they need to make their decisions.

While planning, being strategic, and understanding the customer experience are primary components of a killer digital strategy, execution is vital. There’s no point in putting in all the hard work to realize that everyone else isn’t on board with the strategy. By getting everyone aligned with your digital strategy, you’ll be on your way to reaping the rewards of your killer digital strategy.