inbound marketing vs. interruption marketingWhile inbound marketing really isn’t a new idea, the Web and social media in particular have made it a marketing strategy that is utilized by many more companies. Earning attention organically is more likely to build a lasting customer relationship. Many businesses are switching from outbound to inbound marketing simply because it’s easier.

So how can small businesses make the most of inbound marketing strategies? And what interruption marketing strategies can still be a good idea? Let’s explore:

Word of mouth/viral marketing – this is arguably the best way to earn customers. We’ve always known that word of mouth and referral traffic to businesses often results in lasting customers. Luckily, it’s now easier than ever to generate this kind of traffic. Make sure that your small business has a presence on all of the review sites that are relevant to your industry. These can include but aren’t limited to Yelp, Urbanspoon, or TripAdvisor.

Blogging – some may still wonder how blogging can generate sales. I think one of the biggest reasons that blogging and sales have a relationship is because people are naturally nosy. The more that they know, or think they know, about a company, the more likely they are to use that company.

“Earned” social mediathis particular article includes “most social media advertising” on the interruption marketing side. I do agree with this in a sense. Earning likes and followers by doing things well on your page is certainly preferable. This can be achieved in a variety of different ways like frequent updating. However, I do think that Facebook is handling paid advertising correctly and using their sponsored post/page option can definitely be a help to a small business.

I do have to disagree a bit with how the graphic paints some aspects of what I would consider traditional marketing in a bad light. I do think that things like TV, radio, and print ads are still quite relevant in many markets. A presence at trade shows is often a good thing for an up and coming business, also, not necessarily to gain customers but to find out more about your industry.

Marketing is a tricky subject. Learning more about both inbound and interruption marketing tactics can be a good strategy for you and your business.

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