Localisation is a term that has always been relevant to marketers. Brands are constantly looking to stand out from the crowd and stay ahead of the game.

But with a renewed focus on content strategy and the dominance of social media, localisation is becoming even more important for those brands trying to reach out to a wide social audience. Adapting your product/ service /marketing depending on the language, cultural, and demands needing to be met, is pivotal in order to reach higher engagement levels.

220115 localisation

This brings me onto 2015. Why should your marketing strategy this year include localisation?

I don’t have the time…

2015 is all about change. It’s time for a brand new idea that will benefit your company. If you carry on adopting the same old strategy, it is unlikely much will alter from the previous year.  Localisation does not need to be complex, it could involve simply translating your content into different languages; it is really up to you how localised you want to become. Obviously cost has a lot to do with it.

The aim of the game is for your target market to believe that your content has been created solely for them. Does your content do this? No? Well now is the time to change.

Am I offending anyone?

Due to the cultural differences around the world, localisation may be your only option when expanding into other markets. Consider McDonald’s and the huge milestones they had to overcome when they expanded into other countries. Serving beef to Hindus in India for example would not have gone down well, and neither would the American prices. Adaptation is essential when appealing to consumers outside of your local market.

Types of localisation

Here are a few localisation techniques you could adopt:

  • The language-Translation is the easy option here, with platforms allowing you to amplify your message on social media or similarly amplified, translatable emails. However some organisations have decided to go one step further, changing the context and phrasing of their content, to appeal to certain regions, languages and cultural values. This could include using phrases such as ‘gooday’ for your Australian customer base, just as an example. There are readily available agencies out there that can offer this service, but you need to decide the effectiveness of this strategy for your business and industry first. Ask yourself; are my competitors doing this? Will this help me stand out? From my marketing results are there some regions that I am not engaging with and what platforms could I use this localised content for? You can then analyse the benefits of pursuing this more complex localisation technique.
  • Graphical alterations – This may entail creating a different webpage to suit a particular region. Northern European and Scandinavian countries prefer a minimalist look, whereas Asian cultures favour bright colours. Careful consideration is needed to appeal to these different geographical areas.
  • Currency– This may be an obvious one but do ensure the products/ service you are selling are in the right currency for your customers, making their buying decision easier, increasing your revenue potential.
  • Phone numbers and date– By formatting these, a barrier is taken down, and consumers will be more willing to engage with you, due to the perceived accessibility of your business. Convenience is often essential.

The key here is RESEARCH! Identify the trends of a particular area or region, and your budgetary constraints, then highlight what personalisation strategies you could introduce for your localised marketing strategy to be a success.

Cost is a large factor you need to consider when adopting a localisation strategy; it can be very expensive so you need to way up its real benefit to your company. However 94% of companies agree that personalisation is crucial, so why not see if this can work for you.