convincing and creative marketing campaigns

When it comes to marketing, especially digital marketing, the more convincing and creative you can be, the better. It’s not enough anymore to just do the basics. Companies that are able to think outside of the box in all areas of marketing themselves, will see better results. While it might seem like a risk to be too over the top, the statistics show that it works. So, if you have any doubt that being creative while you try to persuade won’t help you bring in more leads, then take a good look at this.

Here are the most convincing and creative marketing campaigns we’ve seen to date!

Barkbox & Barkpost -Dog’s Best Day

This video when viral last week by the Youtube channel “Bark & Co.” The new company, Barkbox, (who we can no longer call a start-up), teamed up with Barkpost for this tear-jerking video about a young girl and her service dog, George. It’s no secret that anything that makes your heart flutter is a good marketing campaign. And, after people watch George’s best day ever, dog-owners everywhere are going to want to do the same for their pets.

South Korean Plastic Surgery Ads

convincing and creative marketing campaigns

We know what you’re thinking. This ad is all kinds of horrible when it comes to a person’s self-esteem. But, the fact of the matter is, in South Korea, there is a HUGE demand for plastic surgery. In fact, it’s the Plastic Surgery Capital of the world. And, when you see an ad like this walking through the subway station, it’s rather convincing. Sometimes, taking things to the extreme can help bring in business.

Cheap Caribbean Booking Incentive

convincing and creative marketing campaigns

One way to market your business is by giving incentives to people that they just can’t ignore. Take for instance. If you’re on the site, you’re obviously already looking for an affordable vacation. So, why not get another $100 off while you’re at it? That’s what these guys are offering if you sign up for their newsletter. Count us in!

Beauty and the Beast on Google Home

convincing and creative marketing campaigns

The blockbuster Beauty & The Beast has been extensively advertised for a long time, even though the movie just came out on Thursday. But, for those who needed an extra reminder that they should spend their night at the theater, Google Home was there for support. Apparently, when people asked their Google Home for their morning updates last Thursday, they were conspicuously reminded that the movie was hitting theaters. Though people complained about it, we think it was a smart marketing campaign on their part!

Snapbots and Spectacles by Snapchat

This is by far one of the most convincing and creative marketing campaigns we’ve seen. If you haven’t heard of it yet, prepare to be amazed. Snapchat, who’s stock has recently gone up, has introduced Spectacles.

The Spectacles are the future of Snapchat. Just throw on the glasses, and record what you see, which will automatically be uploaded to your memories on your Snapchat account. The catch? The Snapbots, the vending machines where you get the glasses, don’t stay in the same location. So, you need to find where to get them and get them fast, before they sell out.

Oh, and the glasses cost $130.

Did any of these make you say “WOW!”? Then these companies are doing something right. Making convincing and creative marketing campaigns isn’t always easy, but if you have something that makes you stand out, you will get more leads.

Next time you implement a new marketing campaign, think about how you can make yours more intriguing. And, with a marketing automation service like The Mission Suite, you can spread your campaign to more places and analyze its performance. Request a demo to learn more!

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