Advertising is all about persuasion. But the catch is that the subject has to be willing to be persuaded. It is said that an average person is exposed to over 5000 advertisements on a daily basis. It is impossible for anyone to notice let alone process and act upon so many advertisements. The few ads that do get noticed still end up instantly forgotten. Unless the subject requires the product or service at that very moment. So think about the possibilities if the advertisement could be shown to the subject exactly when they need it. This is contextual marketing. Instead of spending mindlessly, here is a way where the ad dollars are provided the maximum scope to achieve their objective.

A few years ago, I read about an online advertisement for a headache pill that showed up every time the stock exchange suffered. In contextual advertising, the context takes the centre stage. Contextual advertising is not easily done when it comes to traditional media unless in a pre-defined context such as a movie theatre or station or mall. But it is ideally suited for new media where the message can be completely customized and delivered at minimal costs. If I happen to be surfing travel sites, an ad can easily pop up just then, offering me a great deal. Or if I happen to be searching for marketing agencies, an ad offering these services can be placed on the side. It’s not as if I’m going to click every time, but the probability of a click through to the advertiser’s site is significantly higher due to the strong relevance factor.

There are three factors that make online contextual advertising very attractive. Firstly, the global migration to the virtual world which offers greater reach. Secondly, the lower costs with greater effectiveness. Thirdly, the ability to facilitate and transact business online. The advancement in mobile devices (phones, tablets, net books etc.) means that the context can be defined on the move. The addition of social media has added further layers to this concept by incorporating the trust factor since recommendations can now be channeled through known contacts. Contextual advertising works best when developing brand strength or generating leads or sales. While it can be used for generating brand awareness, it is definitely not a mass marketing tool (unless the context is very broadly defined).

In general, contextual advertising can be a very powerful tool if used wisely and creatively. An obvious prerequisite is to have a deep understanding about the relevant contexts. The rest can be taken care of by computers.

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