There’s no denying that tensions often exist between marketing and sales teams. This is most prevalent when we see marketing and sales working toward separate goals. However, when the two teams work in alignment, companies can see improved lead quality, increased revenue, and more efficient processes such as lead assignment and follow-up.
Above all, sales and marketing teams need to trust each other; without trust it’s a surefire recipe for disaster.
Key characteristics of a great marketing and sales relationship include:
1. Shared Vision For The Company
Success happens when both the marketing and sales team support a shared vision for the company. This vision should be identified at the top, and delivered in each department. When both teams are rowing in the same direction, your company is best positioned to dominate.
2. Mutual Understanding & Respect
Long-term success for any company can only happen when trust and respect is established between both departments. This can be achieved through collaborative work and when both teams are held accountable for performance.
3. Win-Win Attitude
Great marketing and sales teams understand that if marketing is successful, there will be plenty of leads in the pipe that, in turn, lead to the success of sales team. When both teams understand their individual value in the sales process, both are more focused on a positive and mutually beneficial result.
4. Shared Standards When It Comes To Lead Quality
According to MarketingSherpa, 61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales; however, only 27% of those leads will be qualified.
Cohesive marketing and sales teams are aligned when it comes to lead quality and evaluation. When both teams understand the process used to score and qualify leads, those leads can be better assigned to sales for follow-up and closing, ensuring that only the most qualified leads are pursued.
5. Communication
The right hand should always know what the left is doing. This is especially true in the context of marketing and sales.
Successful teams work in collaboration with shared agendas. With a focus on regular communication between the departments, marketing is able to arm the sales team with most effective content and tools they need to close the deal.
We also see marketing teams including sales in discovery meetings, where they can provide valuable insights and suggestions in relation to customer feedback and experience from those on the front line.
6. Spend Time Together
When possible, it’s important to get employees from both departments in the same room, on the same call, or in front of the same presentation. Whether through regular monthly meetings, team building workshops or other company events, cohesion is best achieved when colleagues know the people they’re working with.
7. Give Credit Where It’s Due
The best marketing and sales teams share the credit.
When both teams work under a shared vision, toward the same goals, with processes and collaboration supporting their individual efforts, it becomes easier to tie closed deals to the campaigns that sourced them and the sales professionals who closed them.
Simply put, when marketing and sales work together, significantly less leads are lost in the funnel leading to increased revenue for companies. It’s good for team moral, employee job satisfaction, and most importantly, it’s good for business.
Tell us what makes your marketing and sales team awesome.