Scan to find out how LiveBall can help you make QR code landing pages!

Thinking about incorporating QR codes into your marketing plans? Go for it! QR codes are a great way to engage with visitors and to turn offline experiences into memorable online experiences. Here are four examples of how brands are engaging with their with customers through QR codes that lead to interesting, interactive landing pages

1. Chili’s

On Mobile Commerce Daily, I found a great read about how Chili’s used QR codes as part of their 8th annual Create-A-Pepper campaign to raise money to fight cancer for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. With the QR code placed on coloring sheets and tables around the restaurant, visitors who scanned the QR code where taken to a landing page where they could donate via their smart phones.

2. HP

An incentive is what drew visitors to my next example. Mobile Commerce Daily tells of how HP partnered with Hearst to give readers a chance at winning a printer. In two different magazine outserts HP included QR codes and content focused increasing brand and product awareness. Those readers who scanned the QR codes were taken to a mobile landing page where they could fill out form in order to enter to win an HP printer.

3. Tesco

This example really screams revolution to me! On, I found this really cool story of one Korean grocery store chain that’s taking QR codes to a new level. Tesco wants to become the No. 1 grocery chain, without increasing its number of stores. How does it do it? With the power of mobile landing pages that essentially create virtual grocery stores. So when someone sees an ad in subway/metro stations, they can scan the QR code and do grocery shopping online while waiting to board their next train. How’s that for thinking out of the box about QR codes?

4. Saks Fifth Avenue

I love this example from Saks in Mobile Commerce Daily. During the holidays they utilized their storefront windows to display QR codes. When someone scanned the QR code they were sent to a mobile landing page with a two segmentation options: view the holiday show from New York or continue to shop via their smart phone. If they choose the show, they were taken to a video of Saks’ holiday show for the season. If they wanted to shop, they were sent to a page with tabbed links offering up categories from men’s, women’s and other shopping options.

QR codes are an opportunity to connect with your customers and to turn a scan into an experience. Remember, it’s not the technology, it’s how you use it. How do you currently utilize QR codes? Let us know in the comments!

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