Local Marketing Campaign – HEADERAs we step into February, marketers across the country are putting the final touches on their local marketing campaigns. In this day and age, where social media marketing and a host of other digital tools allow for global communication, it’s easy for many marketers to forget about the actionable steps they can take to reach a local audience.

A new infographic from the Brandmuscle Blog highlights three digital tactics you should know about before planning your 2015 local marketing campaign. Many of these techniques aren’t being fully optimized by marketers, despite their ease of use and wide availability.

Email Marketing… From the Local Perspective
Email marketing – especially when automated into long-term autoresponder campaigns – is a hugely underrated tactic. In the last few years, social media marketing has attracted a great buzz. It’s glitzy. It’s public. Everyone can see it… In short, it’s exciting. However, too many business owners neglect the fact that email can sometimes be more direct and results-oriented than social media marketing.

The Key Takeaways

  • Nine in ten consumers check their email daily.
  • Two in three have made an online purchase as a result of email marketing.
  • Email marketing has an ROI of 4,300 percent.
  • While one in two emails are opened on mobile, only one in ten emails are optimized for mobile.

What It Means: It’s crucial to add an email silo to your next local marketing campaign, and to make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly.

Social Media Marketing… From the Local Perspective
I don’t need to spend any time convincing you of the value of social media marketing. If there’s one thing most all of our BuzzPlant clients are interested in, it’s building a strong brand identity across multiple social channels. The key is to select the right channels for your message, and – in the case of a local marketing campaign – to use geo-targeted promotion tools.

The Key Takeaways

  • Three out of four adults use social networking sites.
  • Facebook is the biggest referrer of traffic to Shopify stores.
  • One in four smartphone owners (ages 18-44) can’t recall the last time their smartphone wasn’t next to them.

What It Means: Social media users are ready and willing to act on an enticing message; but, we’re all bombarded with “special” offers on a regular basis. Don’t expect them to take just any bait. Use advanced geo-targeting tools (the kind we’ll see more of in 2016) to connect with the audience that is most likely to respond. Be strategic in your outreach.

Online Reputation Management… From the Local Perspective
Authenticity and a strong, transparent public image are two cornerstones of good marketing and good business that I’ve advocated throughout my entire career. With the advent of the Social Age, authenticity isn’t just “good,” it’s necessary.

The Key Takeaways

  • Eight out of 10 consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Seven out of 10 consumers say positive reviews make them trust a business more.
  • Seven out of 10 consumers will consult reviews or ratings before purchasing.

What It Means: In 2015, a bad word about your business will spread fast – regardless of whether you’re focusing on a local or global campaign. Presenting yourself authentically isn’t just a marketing technique; it’s one of the absolute best things you can do for your business on the whole. Think about incorporating content that shows your brand and the people behind your brand as they really are in your upcoming local marketing campaign!

The Infographic: 2015 Local Marketing
Check out the full infographic below. I’d love to know what stands out to you. Let’s talk in the comments section.