Have you heard that LinkedIn launched an iPad app last night? We checked it out for you and here is our feedback along w/ some great screenshots:
The homepage includes the unique UI that LinkedIn released on their iPhone app and have subsequently open-sourced.
The dashboard, check out how I integrated my iPad’s calendar, pretty neat!
The page shows you who has recently viewed your profile
A neat page that includes people in your network who have recently changed jobs, sort of like the alerts you get from our free JCA service
Diving in deeper to a calendar event.
My inbox and invitations list.
The news section, very “Flipboardish”.
The new tool is great for viewing information from within your LinkedIn network & very well suited to the iPad’s position as a consumption device.
But what would a product review be without critique? Here are our three suggestions to improve the app:
- Give users a way to remove connections. Now that everything is visualized, I see a lot of content around people I no longer want to be connected to. Give me a way to “clean up” my account.
- Provide a way to search for new connections. Integrate with contacts & pull down people I should connect with. The opposite of #1, I’m sure there are a lot of people I’m not connected to who I wish I was.
- Give users a a jobs page. LinkedIn is all about networking and jobs are a huge part of that. This feature seems conspicuously not available. Please add it.
So, what do you think about the new LinkedIn app for iPad?