linkedinYour brand may already be working with social media sites like Facebook and Twitter for content delivery. But did you know that 85% of B2B marketers believe that LinkedIn is the best social network to deliver content? Let’s take a closer look at what makes LinkedIn relevant to the content world.

Your LinkedIn Profile: Not Just For Your Resume

Most business owners and marketing professionals have a LinkedIn profile, it’s true – but most of these LinkedIn profile pages look like resumes. These pages may be showing off skills and experience, but they are lacking something huge in the marketing world: relevance.

According to this Forbes article by LinkedIn expert Kristina Jaramillo, the LinkedIn profile of Wizard Media founder Jimena Cortes is a wonderful case where LinkedIn marketing went right. Cortes has a system. Her profile itself offers content that is intended to resonate with her target audience, opening with a strong statement about what visitors to her profile might be doing – in the case of Cortes, it’s generating leads through SEO, PR, and social media marketing.

Leveraging LinkedIn Groups

The profile goes even further, however. Instead of simply listing credentials, Cortes lets readers know where they can find even more content – through her LinkedIn groups. Through these LinkedIn groups, Cortes offers access to her webinars for even more information.

You can do the same. Successful LinkedIn groups are a great way to gain like-minded followers who are all focused on a similar goal. You can message your members once every week via email, letting them know of any promotions or special campaigns that may be happening. Consider the corporate LinkedIn group by Citi, which has had enormous success.

It’s a beautiful content delivery strategy that directly ties content marketing to a LinkedIn business page. With endless opportunities for creative content marketing on LinkedIn, there are plenty of ways to strategize.

Has your business used LinkedIn for content delivery? What have you done with your company page?