We’ve talked about how if you want to have InstaSummer success, social media marketers need to work a little harder to capture engagement since users are out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. Well, when it comes to autumn the circumstances are a bit different. People are trying to do some activities to enjoy the last bits of the bearable weather, but they are also looking for ways to stay crafty and in shape indoors.
Below we categorized ways you can improve your Instagram account for fall, and corresponding examples of Instagram accounts that can inspire you to share some of your own fall favorites:
“The Personified Product”
1. TheRealPSL
Starbucks has personified their infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte on this account to help make its new ingredients seem just as healthy and friendly as the character they have created.
Do you have a special product or service that could be showcased this season on social? Think of what sells particularly well during this time of year and get creative!
“DIY Halloween”
2. dressupbox
Makeup artist Hannah Concannon shares the #onecostumeaday hashtag to prepare for the upcoming holiday, Halloween. Many of her “looks” represent topics in the news, as well as give inspiration to people to do their own Halloween makeup.
Can you make your skills timely and relevant with just a hashtag?
3. ManiacPumpkins
This pumpkin carving account does a great job of reposting images across the web to make their Instagram a great inspiration for user generated content.
If you try to take the same path, we suggest taking it one step further with tutorials! Your fans will appreciate seeing your products or services used to their potential AND a guide of how to reach that result themselves.
“Innovative Thanksgiving”
4. ReynoldsKitchens
The famous kitchen brand was in the news about their Instagram account recently since it took a page out of IKEA’s Instagram catalog we talked about last year. Each photo tags the foods featured in the image, which will take you to their individual accounts with the recipe!
The best part? All of the photos when looking at their profile make up a beautiful, giant dinner table!
What innovative ways can you transform your Instagram profile? Maybe a series of images that create one when looking at the whole profile; or possibly multiple accounts that are linked to tell a story? Brainstorm how you can take your social strategy to the next level!
“Staying Fit”
5. TheDailyStrength
We are certain this yoga and flexibility Instagram account will get many views this season as we near holidays that are all about big and delicious family meals! The account incorporates memes, videos, and how-to’s to give their users plenty of content to choose from.
Think about what people will be searching for the most this season on Google, and try to curate content around those terms. This will keep your current fans motivated and get new users engaged.
6. ItsADayReally
This account is a MUST for social media marketers to follow. Every day they share an obscure topic that people are honoring nationally or internationally. It is a great place to get inspired for how to relate to your audience through an article, image, or even just a hashtag.
Today is World Rhino Day which was also trending on Twitter this morning. We can bet tomorrow will be something around The First Day of Fall so get your Post Designs ready!
What are some of your favorite fall Instagram accounts to follow?
Share them with us in the comments!