With over 300 million blogs in the world today, if you are going to setup a blog of your own, you will want to make sure you do is right the first time around. This includes choosing the right blogging platform to host your site with.
It’s been several years since WordPress first stepped onto the scene and the stream of new blogs hitting the internet on a daily basis continues to grow. As the leading choice in blog and content management systems, WordPress has paved the way for many it extremely easy for anyone to get setup with a blog of their own by offering two solid platforms to choose from.
WordPress.org is a free software based solution that is used by anyone who already has their own web hosting and a domain name. While the WordPress.com solution is a service based hosted solution that is up and ready for anyone to start blogging without the need to setup any software, domains or hosting.
Both solutions have their own benefits, but WordPress.org offers the most options, such as having completely control over your content, being able to make money with your site and also having unlimited access to plugins and themes that are currently available. Some of the most popular sites in the world are running off the free self-hosted version of WordPress, such as Time, TechCrunch, PerezHilton and millions of other sites.
Through the infographic below you can run through the many different comparisons between WordPress.org and WordPress.com to see which is the best solution for you. At the end of the infographic, you will also see a quick walk-through of what platform works best depending on the type of site that you would like to create.
If you don’t currently have a blog of your own, what are you waiting for?
Infographic provided by Blogging.org